Dear @dangcaonguyen : ""
As my understanding, if two tables have the same spindle size one can use the same Mint tractor for the same tonearm. ""
your statement is correct IF the tonearm is mounted with the same pivot to spindle distance in both TT.
In theory foe tonearm geometry alignment the main subject is to make the tonearm/cartridge/TT set up with all parameters involved with zero tolerances. This is almost imposible to achieve, so what we can do is tomantain at minum those parameters set up with minimum tolerance to stay nearer " perfection " and that distortions be mainteined at minimum.
Regrads and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
your statement is correct IF the tonearm is mounted with the same pivot to spindle distance in both TT.
In theory foe tonearm geometry alignment the main subject is to make the tonearm/cartridge/TT set up with all parameters involved with zero tolerances. This is almost imposible to achieve, so what we can do is tomantain at minum those parameters set up with minimum tolerance to stay nearer " perfection " and that distortions be mainteined at minimum.
Regrads and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,