Great Experience with Feickert Protractor

After years of using other setup tools, I finally broke down and bought the Dr. Feickert Protractor.  I couldn't be happier. 

I highly recommend this unit for great design, construction, ease of use, and precision of setup.  I'm at the point in this hobby where I buy stuff and am not afraid to find that something makes no difference or the difference it makes is not to my liking.  The Feickert did not change the overall sonic character of my table/cart.  What it clearly did do was make imaging and soundstage more apparent (stand out) and it sounds like more information is coming through because I can hear more decay and faint sounds than before. 

If anyone is within driving distance of Chicagoland, I'd be happy to lend it out so others could benefit.  

Before the Feickert I was using Mobile Fidelity's Geo Disc and I had to sight the pivot point with an alignment bar on the Geo Disc.  I got pretty close (assuming the Feickert is more accurate), as I was within 2mm.  I'll rest assured knowing that I'm running things closer to perfect for sound quality and wear. 
As my understanding, if two tables have the same spindle size one can use the same Mint tractor for the same tonearm. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Within a certain fine tolerance, pretty much all pickup arms use the same spindle size so, sorry, you're not correct here.

cleeds, Perhaps I misunderstand what you are trying to say in response to dang, but he is talking about turntables, not tonearms.  In fact, there are at least 3 different "standards" for spindle diameter.  As you might guess, it is critical for any protractor to fit snugly, with no "play", over the spindle.  Conversely, the spindle diameter cannot exceed that of the hole in the protractor, else the protractor cannot be used.  So, his question was not inappropriate to a discussion of protractors.  In addition to owning an older Feickert, I also own a UNItractor.  UNI was cleverly designed with interchangeable spindle holes; three are supplied.  The one that fits my Lenco spindle perfectly does not fit my Japanese DDs and vice-versa.  As to the Feickert, I can only say to Dang that I have used it with the Lenco and with at least one of the DD turntables I own; can't recall which.  It seems to "fit" both but not so perfectly as does the UNI with a precisely chosen spindle adapter.

Also, although both the Feickert and the UNI are loosely based on the Dennesen, both are a bit better in that both allow for checking the alignment by supplying a second pattern, displaced toward the spindle, where the stylus tip and cantilever alignment is confirmed.  (Maybe not a good verbal description, but if you own a Feickert you know what I mean.)
Dear @dangcaonguyen : ""  As my understanding, if two tables have the same spindle size one can use the same Mint tractor for the same tonearm. ""

your statement is correct IF the tonearm is mounted with the same pivot to spindle distance in both TT.
In theory foe tonearm geometry alignment the main subject is to make the tonearm/cartridge/TT set up with all parameters involved with zero tolerances. This is almost imposible to achieve, so what we can do is tomantain at minum those parameters set up with minimum tolerance to stay nearer " perfection " and that distortions be mainteined at minimum.

Regrads and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Yes, I understand what you are saying about the spindle hole on the Dr. Feickert completely. Before I bought the Smartractor, little brother of the Uni tractor, I had to cover the spindle of my Garrard 301 with a piece of thin film food wrap to make it snug for acurate alignment.
Yes Raul, that is what I meant. Thank you for confirming it.
Hi- I live out in Wheaton and I would love to able to try out the Feickert Protractor.  I have a Lenco PTP-4 TT and a Fidelity Research arm that I need to mount.  Please let me know how we can move forward with this.