Great recording of William Tell Overture?

I'm looking for a sonically fine recording of Overture To William Tell. My daughter (age 8!) just got turned on to this music by her teacher, and I want her to hear it on the good rig at home.
Thanks in advance!
Rushton beat me to punch again. Yes, the Gamba performance on Decca is, I feel, virtually ideal. It has a wonderful balance of musicality and excitement, and its sound is A-1.
I would like to add also Rossini-Overtures on the RCA Vitrola label (7814-2-RV) Claudio Abbado with the LSO. recorded in 1978 ADD.

Amazing 'monica playing too!
Telarc "William Tell & Other Favorite Overtures"
Erich Kunzel Cincinnati Pops
I've always enjoyed this CD, very dynamic.
An excellent William Tell Overture is to be found on a recording of Rossini overtures on the Decca label: Piero Gamba conducting the London Symphony Orchestra. Very well recorded, great sonics (at least on vinyl), and a marvelous performance.

Amazon sells the CD here.

just for fun watch this video

he does the WTO at the end - about half way thru


sorry to go off topic
