Great speakers for a small room

I have a second computer based system in a small office that is 10 x 11. Just can't seem to find a speaker that works good in this room. I run a tubed kt88 amp that produces about 60 watts of power per channel. My budget is really $2,000 but for the right speakers could go $4 or even $5,000. Its almost like the 3 bears - big speakers just load the room too much, small speakers sound like computer speakers with no dynamics and detail, I want something just right!
The Spender SA and Harbeth's small P3ESR are both sealed cabinets as well. Check them out.
If you have $2K - $4K on speakers for your room, you can probably borrow some from local dealers and test them out yourself. Personally, I probably wouldn't spend that much gelt on speakers in a "compromised" (less than optimal) setup. I think that you have already received some great suggestions above.

If you are planning to use smaller, stand mounted "bookshelf" speakers and place them against or near the walls you will probably want sealed or front--ported units. I enjoy a pair of Dynaudio Audience 42Ws in my office, and would also recommend a used pair of Linn Kans or maybe Triangle Stellas or Cometes.

Another way to go might be Ohm Walsh Micros. They sound very good, if a bit different but they would be a great option if you spend much time in your off center chair.
Why not check out Tyler Acoustics, Epos M12.2 or Amphion Helium 2 to name a few that will sound fantastic and save you a good deal of money!
Totem Sttafs work really nicely in a room that size. They're small so they don't use a lot of space, and bass response in that size room is more than adequate. I think they go for $1500 new.
The Linn Majik 109 speakers were originally designed for smaller Tokyo appartments. They are front ported. They also received a great revew in Stereophile.

Stereophile Review - Linn Majik 109: