Green Mountain Audio still in business?

Sent out email to them, but have not heard anything back. Are they still in business?


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121

Showing 3 responses by slappy

I hope they are in business. I was planning driving down and picking up a set in january.

I just called them, nobody answered, its just shyof 6pm, i would figure they would still be there, but maybe not.

They just released those Continuim 3 speakers a could months ago diddnt they?

Roy? Hey Roy! WHere are you!
Seems like roy is working his butt off.
So is demand outscaling the availability of product?

i hear so many fantastic things about the GMA eurpoa's, here in a month or so i was hoping to buy some. GMA is only about an hour's drive from where im at, i was hoping i could go down an pick up a pair eventually. Is there a waiting list on these? if so, anyone know how long?