Yes, we all have differing sonic priorities so what one finds less enjoyable completely immerses another. Love this hobby!
I owned the Phoenix USB reclocker with my Innuos Zenith 3, and while it improved transparency, I ended up selling it as I preferred the more relaxed and organic sound of my Mojo Audio dac without it. Just a reflection of my preference.
I will say this again as I feel it is important. Try a SR Purple fuse in your server/streamer before making any kind of final decision. Let it burn in for 48 hours and then listen. This one tweak has improved the sound of my streaming front end more than any other single network upgrade. No joke. Yes, more than my switch, filters, LPS and other network upgrades. A revelation in my Zenith. Regardless of your feelings on fuses, be open minded and try one. They offer a 30 day return policy. Don’t judge the sound until in place and run in for 48 hours. Get one rated about 25% higher amperage than the stock fuse.
All sonic parameters improved. All of them. Music is also released more from the speakers in a magical way. I have tried many fuses over the years and the Purple one is just so special in my Innuos server. It’s like I upgraded to a far more expensive server.
Charles, I am going to put the Purple fuse in my Tron dac as my only tweak 🙂. We will see if it also brings the magic with this dac or not.