Ground source hum

I have isolated the source of my ground hum to be between my preamp and amp. This was through a process of trial and error and revealed quite surprisingly that for once Comcast was not to blame

I currently have a ground cheater plug attached to the pre-amp (bad). My pre is the Benchmark Pre-Dac ad my Amp is an ATI 6012. What are my options to permanently fix this problem. With the cheater plug in place there is absolutely no hint of hum what so ever.

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

Are both amp and preamp on the same circuit? If not, put them on the same circuit. Have you tried changing the preamp>amp interconnect? If not, try this. Are you sure it's not cable? Have you disconnected your main incoming cable line?

BTW, I think if I had to float a ground it would be on the amp, not the preamp.

Good luck,