Grounding Metal Outlet Boxes and Isolated Ground Receptacles

Just installed six really nice separate dedicated 20 amp lines (with 6 awg) for my new dedicated listening room.  Decided to use heavy metal outlet boxes so that I could make my six Furutech Receptacles as strong and sturdy as possible.  I also had my electrician run 4-wire 6 agw to the boxes so that we could have one ground wire to the metal receptacle box and then a separate ground wire to the isolated ground screw on the Furutech.

I sent some photos of the setup to a friend of mine (who just happens to be an electrical engineer) and he raised an the issue that since my Furutech Receptacles are metal and they will be screwed into the metal box with metal screws, then we have effectively now tied the two separate grounds together!  Help!  Is that a bad idea?   Is having the box and receptacle setup in this way going to cause issues once my gear is in place; ground loop hums, etc?


Showing 8 responses by stickman451

Of course.  The room is very close to the design used by Mike Lavigne.  Check out his room under the Audiogon Virtural Sytems.
In my quest to really do it 'right' I may have screwed-up!  No, sheet rock is not up yet!

I will contact Furutech distributor to confirm whether not the outlets are truly 'isolated' ground and go from there.  If they are isolated ground, should I leave them as is or pull out metal boxes?

Thinking that the Furutech GTX-D G was an isoloated receptacle, we decided to use four-wire Romex.  So, one ground wire went directly to the outlet, one to the metal outlet box.  The metal boxes are larger and made it easier to jump from 6 awg down to a short piece of 10 awg that would all fit in the one box.  And the metal boxes are stronger and make it easier to tightly secure the outlet to the box.  

The first question is whether or not the Furutech outlets are actually 'isolated' ground.  I am re-checking that now.  Second question is does it really matter if the outlets are isolated ground or not?  In either case, we have two grounds in the same box, one on the outlet and one tied directly to the metal box.  There are six of these dedicated 20 Amp lines in the room.  Two boxes are for the mono block amps, two are for subs, and the remaining two are for the front-end components.  A two ought line runs from the subpanel to the main panel for the house.  

Since the outlet is metal and the box is metal, we have effectively tied the grounds togther right at the box.  But, evently all the ground wires end up at the grounding pole ( which by code in our area is the steel rebar in the house foundation).  

Yes, both ground wires from the outlet/metal bic are attached to the ground bar in the sub panel.  

The 2 ought from the sub panel runs back to the main panel.  The main panel is grounded to the steel rebar in the house foundation 
The average length of the six dedicated runs is approx 30 feet.  The room is 29' L x 21'-10" W.  The longest two runs are about 36 ft from the front wall back to the sub panel in the room.  The shortest run is about 25' from the sub panel.  

The sub panel is a GE PowerMark Gold.

All of the six 6awg dedicated lines will be on the same phase in the sub panel.  Lighting and standard wall outlets will be on the opposite phase. 

The sub panel in my room is approx 60 ft from the main panel (which is in the car garage).  

Not sure on your other questions but should get those answers tomorrow when i speak with the electrician.

The Furutech outlets are Not Isolated Ground for sure.  I checked the continuity with a Radio Shack tester and the ground screw is connected to the outlets metal mounting brackets.

Main issue is I do not want to create an electric hazard (pretty sure my electrician is very capable) and I do not want to create a bunch of ground loop issues!


i appreciate you giving me your thoughs on this!  Thanks!   I'd also be curious on almarg thoughts on this; he know's his stuff!

I will run the options that you suggested by my electrician and see what he says.  One option we are looking at is to pull out the metal boxes, put in a high quality plastic or fiberglass box and elimintate any ground to the box.  The extra insultated ground wire would just be left unused.

As you suggested We may just leave it as is.

Would love to use the Furutech covers, but man are they pricey!! Got any recommendations?

BTW, went momentarily crazy this weekend and bought a Kronos Limited turntable; beautiful table!!!

I don't know...i think the black outlet covers sound better than white or bone colored.  😉