Gryphon Diablo 300: at the top of Integrated Amps?

Is there any other amps I can look into that sound as good or more preferred to Gryphon's Diablo 300? 

I can think of two while I am writing this:
- Devialet 1000 Pro
- McIntosh MA9000

I appreciate getting feedback of people who heard/compared them. 

...well Inna if you mention FM Acoustics then we can put Kondo on the table as well but that would be too much i guess...regarding Nagra...i've yet to hear Nagra that i don't like...old school design but state of the art tech and above all the sound...i did not heard anything Australian as i know, only New Zealand's Plinius which has its own distinctive sound...Canada has good amplifier brands to offer but neither Bryston, Classe nor SIM Audio integrateds cannot or will not match any of big players named above (Tenor audio dosen't makes int amps)...i respect more Canadian source makers like Magnum-Dynalab and Meitner....on France side i only liked Jadis integrateds, they offer more at speaker design...Germany has it own players in Burmester which has good integrateds but little too old and expensive for today standards...i guess they are more into Porche and Mercedes car audio now...MBL has its N51 integrated which is state of the art but they are as Burmester more known by their mono and stereo amps...T + A is more prominent player in Germany lately and with many smart solutions and Voltage increase their sound is tubelike linear and open...their build quality is beyond reproach...

Blindjim those three amps you've mentioned are different beasts...if you have demanding speakers (read 4 Ohm and lower) you can forget about Dart and Y unless you listen to a mandolin only...otherwise you will be fine...i would suggest second hand Dartzeel cuz new is absolutely overpriced...great amp of smooth and natural sound, not cold not warm, has that natural flow...but as i said it dosen't even doubles to 4 ohm so pair it wisely...with new Diablo you get all that + bit more refinement + much more Diablo is...if it match in your system and your taste end of journey...i only heard Ypsilon amps which sounded beautiful but not integrated so cannot comment (i would bet their int sound wonderful also)...with Diablo you will get great sound, versatile amp and not to worry about power...that's all...on this level don't buy without speakers and best amp don't necessarily have to match...
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Gryphon has been making integrateds for decades, he knows what he does. Try to find it used, no-one sells them and they sold a lot in Europe and Asia. Ypsilon appears to have more purist approach, they didn't make integrated until very recently. They also make $35k phono stage which is said to be extraodinary. 
raindog031, you are certainly right about the match. I think, Flemming of Gryphon wanted to create a very versatile integrated that would match very well with a wide variety of speakers. And it should last for a very long time.
In addition, at this level there will be ’cultural’ differences. Gryphon represents the essence of Scandinavian sound - clear, dynamic, deep, on a darker side of neutral, and Ypsilon will weave the sophisticated tapestry of the world music. Gryphon will dominate whatever system you put in in and whatever you play, while Ypsilon’s presence will be more subtle and soaring.
In a perfect world I would choose Ypsilon, then I would ask Michael Green to build me custom speakers to work perfectly with it and I would send the Ypsilon to him for that. Then I would consult with Dimitros about recommending external non-Ypsilon phono stage. The alternative to Michael Green custom speakers would be Lansche. Purist Audio, Echole or Stage III cabling and that would be a great sound.
In not so perfect world I would almost certainly choose the Diablo with phono, either 120 or 300.
In less than not so perfect world I would first try Pass INT-60 for $6k used and see what happens.
All these would be for medium size room, and I don’t listen to opera, choral pieces and big orchestra music. If I did this would be either Diablo 300 or separates.
Swiss route is interesting too, though I am reasonably certain that I would prefer either Scandinavian or Greek/Middle Eastern sound, that’s either Gryphon or Ypsilon.
I like my Ayre AX-5 Twenty a lot.  You should put it on your list to check out.