Gryphon Diablo or Accuphase E-450

Im downsizing my amplification from a Nagra PLP & VPA monos to a one box solid state integrated. This is due to a change in my personal circumstances, available space AND young children (i.e. valves/fingers).

Ive shortlisted the Gryphon, as i used to have a Mikado and really loved it and the Accuphase which has a good reputation. My speakers are Peak Consult Princess Signature floorstanders on Finite Elemente Cerapucs, speaker cabling is XLO Unlimited with Accustica Applicata DAAD diffusers behind.

My sources are a Raven AC TT with various arms, carts and phono stages / step ups, so i need not worry about a phono input on the amo. Digital is a Lindemann CDP and a Wadia iTransport.

The 2 amps i have shortlisted both have strenths an weaknesses - i just wondered what the concensus was in terms of opinion as to whats 'best' - all subjective i know - but be good to hear some views. Im not really keen to widen the selection from either of these two.

Thanks and regards,

Agreed, the E-550 is better sounding but it runs hot (class A). The E-450 has more power but sounds very. very good.
That is two very different amps you are considering. The Accuphase is warmer and sweeter than the Gryphon which is more towards details and speed - and too analytical for my taste. I would definately have chosen the Accuphase.
while Accuphase builds great integrateds IMO its not in Gryphon Diablos level...i dont agree in Cappuccinos statment that Diablo is too analythical(lol)...its very neutral and product and your final sound will highly depend on source...Diablos details are pure microdynamical by nature, and speed(prat) is correct nothing exaggerated so please dont misinform people in forum...
Lee, I am in the UK too and am having similar thoughts. The Diabolo presumably would be from the Music Room in Glasgow. I heard it there, when I bought my current amp, the Pathos Inpol2. I could'nt really compare them, they were in different systems and I was there to audition the Pathos.

I don't know if you have found a source, but I am not sure where you will hear an Accuphase amp. I asked the UK importer RT services I believe, just 10 miles from me, in didcot. He is the distributor, but does'nt keep any in stock, he will get them in from Germany, for you to hear! That sounds a bit suprising.

Someone else on the Gon gave me a heads up about a Dutch site, which always has some Accuphase on sale second hand. They turn over quite quickly, so you can keep checking on it. Personally, I think European ne prices are insane, for Accuphase. You can also buy new from Japan, as you may know, but Japanese voltage. I am told conversion to UK voltage is quite easy

Do report back, if you buy either
I suggest you add the Luxman 590ax integrated class A amplifier to your audition list. I own one driving Sonus Faber Auditor M Speakers. It sounds excellent on all type of music. The 590ax is fully balanced and provides two balanced inputs. I have the Ayre CX-7e CD player and the Magnum Dynalab 809t Internet tuner both running balanced connections to my 590ax. The Luxman Distributor, On Higher Note, reports all 590ax's are made in Japan. All of the amplifiers mentioned above are excellent. If possible, I suggest you audition them to decide what is best for you, your listening room and the rest of your system.