Hadcock arms

Simple question: What's the difference between the 228 & 242?


Showing 1 response by topoxforddoc

The Hadcock arms are excellent value for money. They have always had the inverted unipivot and 4 ball bearing since they appeared in the late 1970s. I still use my original hadcock 228 (circa 1981) although it plays second fiddle to my Schroeder 2 now.
Over the years I have used this with all sorts of carts - ortofon VMS20, ADC XLM, Ortofon MC10, Decca London Maroon and Gold (Garrott Brothers) and my current Allaerts MC1B. I've had no problems with any of them. You need to use fluid damping for the Deccas and MCs. Otherwise it's excellent. It has gone up in price since I bought mine in 1981 - I paid 65 GBP (120 USD) for my new arm then!
The newer versions are better made, more adaptable (with removeable armwands) and the longer ones have a slightly higher mass to suit the current vogue for lower compliance MCs. But they all work fine.