hardwood floor and speaker

we're remodelling the house , putting in hardwood flooring on what use to be carpet. what should i do with the speaker spike, or amp stand ( spike )? wife is not crazy about sticking spike into the floor.

I used to use spikes. I think cups under them have little impact. I think now, however, that StillPoints component stands greatly outperform them, but they are expensive. You might get by with just 3 individual StillPoints per speaker, but I have not tried that.
To couple, or not to couple. If of the 'not to couple' school purchase some half inch granite to put the spikes on. Of course they will need WAF. Granite goes for about $40 per sq. foot these days.
You will usually suffer less damage if you stick spikes in the floor, not the wife.

I've used these previously, and they worked great.