Has anybody heard the new Emerald Physics CS-2.3

Hello all:

I currently own the CS-2's and have been in touch with Walter at Underwood in regards to the significant sonic up grade over the old model that the 2.3’s offer. Just curious if anybody has a pair yet since they have just become available and can share some light on the subject of their audio improvements.

Happy listening,

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I'm thinking about purchasing a pair but would like to hear some feedback as well.
I wish I could help you. I want to hear them also, but since they're not available through any dealers in Los Angeles, I have to wait until some local gregarious audiophile allows me to hear his (hers?) No, that's just a fantasy. I like the fact that you only need a stereo amp or two monoblocs, but am curious whether they would require a sub woof in a 5000 cf room. Thoughts?
thanks, howartcow