Has anyone had eperience with the new sony xa5400e

Just wanted to see how many people have actually used this player and what were there thoughts on it
How does this compare to the Marantz Ki Pearl player? Has anybody heard both?

What the hell do you expect people to say if they are indeed satisfied with the 5400ES? In my system it replaced a very good sounding DVP-S9000ES; my only other comparison is an Esoteric SA-60 in my cousin's system. The 5400ES portrays timbre extremely well, and has excellent frequency and dynamic range. Soundstage is very good. Compared to the unit it replaced, it sounds smoother yet with more detail and better low frequency response. Although I really like the Esoteric SA-60, I suspect in a side-by-side comparison I'd pick the 5400ES every time even without factoring in cost.

My vintage processor does not have HDMI, so I've only used the analog XLR from the 5400ES.

I had it, liked it very much, thought it was an absolute steal for the $$. Sold it because it did not surpass my CEC TL1X/Dodson 218 combo, which costs considerably more. But if I were looking for a one-box for less than $5K, I certainly would seriously consider the Sony. Very musical and easy to live with.

WHAT THE HELL I WANT, Is exactly what Ive seen on here the guy just after you who actually made a productive post was just what I was looking for. He told me just what I was looking for he said its not the end all player, infact he sold it for somthing he said was much better, this to me establishes credibility for what he says afterwards, which is he thought the player couldnt be beat for anything under 5k. That is the kind of post I enjoy reading and can help a guy make a educated choice.