Has anyone heard a Sugden ANV-50? and advice on upgrading.

I'm looking to upgrade my amplification, and I remember hearing Sugden years (decades?) ago. At the time they had a battery powered preamp. 

The Sugden ANV-50 is a new integrated amp form them and departs from their traditional Class A approach and uses a switching power supply with AB amplification. I started looking at the A21SE, but worried about the low power output. I know of only one Sugden dealer. Much as I would like to listen to it, distance, Covid, and availability are all obstacles.

I'm also thinking about an Ayre EX-8 which I'm not sure I can get to audition either. My concern here is whether it can  be used as a music player and if so what software would I use. Is Roon the only option I know of (Mconnect is really not particularly good).

I'm staying away from tube amplifiers because of weight and heat, with the exception of the new Linear Tube Z40 integrated, which I can audition. However it exceeds my budget. However it may be the default winner because it's the only thing I can compare to my current system (Rogue RP 1 and Channel Islands E200S). I learned the hard way to not buy anything based simply on reviews.

I listen to classical music through Harbeth Super HL5 plus speakers with a Lumin D1 source. 

I'd appreciate any help or advice Audiogoners can give.

Also have not heard the ANV-50, but have owned an older A21SE rated at 33wpc class A.  It is scary and I've used it with many speakers to include Reference 3A towers, Merlin Black Magic, Penaudio Cenya and a myriad of others not particularly efficient.

The control 33 watts of class A has over the overall presentation is impressive.  Music springs from the speakers as attack is much more immediate than most A/B designs.  It will not rock the bass nor plumb the depths.  Look elsewhere.  But within its design space, it is glorious.

Soundstage is decent, attack is stellar and it is simply quite musical. The bass present is distinct.  Speaker cable selection is a bit tricky.  Decware hybrid copper/silver seemed to do the trick as did Duelund 12 gauge.  Silver wire was thin and edgy.

Hope this helps.
I have not heard the AVN-50 but I recently spent 2 glorious weeks with the A21Signature(base 22wpc.version),driving my Harbeth M30.1’s...I am CONVERTED from tubes now because of this amp.Those who say M30.1 has no bass should hear them driven by the Sugden.There is an 8" driver in those cabs & the pure class a grabs them & drives them deep,tight & beautifly voiced..Also low volume listening was the absolute best I’ve ever experienced,superb!If you have a medium size room & don’t listen to concert levels the A21SE would likely amaze you with your speakers..