Has anyone heard the Meridian F80

I am thinking of the Meridian F80 for a second location. Even though all the reviews on the net praise it highly, at its price I think I could put together a small somewhat portable system off the Gon. for cheaper,although I don't what brands or if the sound quality would be as good as the reviews of the F80 claim. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks GG

Showing 1 response by iplaynaked

Ya know, I've sold Meridian's products in the past. And, overall, their amps, pre-amps, and digital sources - I felt - were otherwise pretty descent gear!! I never have been a fan of their speakers for some reason though. They always sounded rather Dark to my ears.
I can't tell you why the speakers aren't really all that special, IMO, especially since the active speaker - mated with superior DAC's and such - should offer some otherwise superb quality sound! Dynamics should be stellar, and they're pretty descent (not as good as others, I presume).
Overall, I've heard much more musical, open, clear, uncolored, resolved, and even dynamic speaker offerings else-where, for much less - enough to make me not consider Meridian's speaker offerings in the past (even if it did save me some amplification expense.)
I would hope they would improve their speakers in their line, personally.