My impression is you need to relax a little bit more. Lol If you are not Tom then why in Earth were you responding to comments I had directed at him? Especially the one regarding all the isolation devices he claimed he had tried. Were you sticking up for your shill? Who knows? That you could possibly think Tom agrees with me on isolation is just plain bizarre. You’ve probably been cooped up with all that mechanical grounding stuff for thirty years. Stove piping for that long means you’ve been missing all the good stuff that’s been going on. Time to diversify, my good man.
geoff kait
machina dynamica
no goats no glory
My impression is you need to relax a little bit more. Lol If you are not Tom then why in Earth were you responding to comments I had directed at him? Especially the one regarding all the isolation devices he claimed he had tried. Were you sticking up for your shill? Who knows? That you could possibly think Tom agrees with me on isolation is just plain bizarre. You’ve probably been cooped up with all that mechanical grounding stuff for thirty years. Stove piping for that long means you’ve been missing all the good stuff that’s been going on. Time to diversify, my good man.
geoff kait
machina dynamica
no goats no glory