Has anyone NOT listened to their system for a long time?

As I went to the basement (i.e., listening room) the other day, I happened upon the Hem "Departure and Farewell" lp leaning up against the LSA Statement amp. I had been testing whether I could get rid of a slight distortion I was hearing through the VPI HW-19 Mk 4 turntable -- testing back in late August. 

I hadn't really made the time for any serious listening since then. Is this normal? I have two children - a 3- and a 5-year old, and a full time teaching job. So my evenings are filled and by 10 pm I'm ready for bed.

Has anyone else ever NOT listened to music via their system for a while? If so, why?
I like the distinction "music-o-philes vs equipment-o-philes".  Yes, I have been caught listening due to an improvement in sound, but this also gets me interested in my music collection again, which can become somewhat stale over time---until a breakthrough in sound quality re-engages me in new depth and enjoyment.  There is no end to improving a good system with small changes.  

I often turn on the (tube) equipment to warm it up, then don't get around to listening.  Have to be in the mood.
There is nothing wrong in audio as a hobby  That means that I like gear and what it contributes to a sound I think I desire.  When enjoying my equipment I don't listen the pink noise or test tones. I started out with a portable "transistor"  AM radio. It wasn't long after till I got a LLoyds all in one receiver turntable,.  I wanted something better and louder almost immediately..  The rest is longer story.
I haven’t listened to my system in months, I don’t know how many? Maybe 6 months, and I have a brand new pair of Magico S5 Mk2 speakers! The reason is pretty simple; I’ve had a lot of crap to deal with at work which has left me drained and demotivated. That’s life sometimes. But audiophilia is like your favorite jumper...it might go out of fashion, but you’ll find a reason to throw it on again.

Life crowds in sometimes, and storm clouds gather. But your hifi system is like a best friend...it will be there when the sun shines again..
I used to listen every night but the newborn has taken all my time so it's tough.  I hope to finish my secondary system in our family room so that even if I don't listen in my dedicated room, I still get good sounds.

my secondary system is based on the Sonus faber olympica 3.  The main is based on the BW 802D3.