Although I also haven't had any problems with any of my RAM mods and I haven't attempted selling any of them, I don't share your grim view of the whole RAM mod experience.
I've never bought audio equipment with resale value as part of the equation. I tend to keep most of my equipment a very long time.
I for one, would not be put off by purchasing used RAM modified gear. And as for price, most expensive audio gear, RAM modified of not is definitely not an investment.
Most all of it is going to go down in value quite a bit from what was originally paid.
And although I've yet to ever buy any used equipment that wasn't directly from a modder ie Antenna Performance Specialties, I would be equally concerned about it's condition whether it was RAM modified of not.
Also, I sure Kyle would definitely work with anyone who had a piece of equipment which he modded, that needed to be serviced.
Although I'm very satisfied with my current setup, if I come across any of that bargain basement priced used RAM modified equipment, it just may be time to upgrade.