Has biwire speaker cabling become "old" ?

I notice some makers are not stocking biwire termination. Has biwire gone out of favor ? Was it sonically meaningless ?
Have speaker makers dropped it ? Do us owners of biwire built speakers need to resort to jumpers or aftermarket biwire cables now ?
Is it possible, however unlikely, they put 2 sets of terminals on the speakers for something other than marketing purposes? Maybe he didn't believe in biwiring, but he did believe in biamping.

Pure speculation on my part.
I recently read a review of a Vienna Acoustics speaker where the author mentioned how pressure was put on the manufacturer to ad an extra set of binding posts for biwiring. The pressure was coming from the American importer because in his opinion American audiophiles demanded biwiring.
This is obviously a topic many people have questions about (myself included) based on the number and variety of responses. I recently recabled my Avantgard Trio horn speakers changing from the manufacture recommended biwire cable to a single high quality cable and then running a jumper to the powered subs. The result was much better sound which I attribute solely to the higher quality cable, not the configuration. I suppose if one could compare the biwire arrangement with the same cable used for the single run, the experiment would be complete. But that would have been outside my budget, essentially doubling my cost. Bottom line, in this case the single run cable array was the better option.