Has gear or a recording ever made your ears hot?

We've all had the experience of listening to electronics or speakers that were far too bright, or accentuated some frequency so much we had to run out of the room but have you ever felt your ears get literally hot from listening?

Like your outer ear feels like it's got an electric blanket on it. It's not a pleasant feeling at all. 

If you've had this experience, what did you attribute it to?


Never. And I have mild tinnitus that doesn't like >85dB. How loud were you listening?

I have experienced this and attribute it to greater sensitivity to higher volumes, I.e. age. 

I have that attribute often and usually it is when I am listening to poorly recorded classical piano . The problem usually lies in poorly regulated piano when some piano tones shout at you ,ie when some notes are slightly or badly louder than other notes and cause your ears to become sensitive to these attributes.  I have often abandoned listening to these recordings altogether and I hate having to do it sometimes because some of my piano heroes are from the Golden Age of pianists.

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