Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?

I don't have any specific example but just from looking at it overall, it seems like high-end components prices have really risen more than inflation.  

Or may be it is must me?



Spot on post !

Thanks very much....

Free speech is dying not by being erased so much or directly forbidden every where like in Soviet or China more like being cornered in a box and counter attack by Strategically systematic encompassing controls in all publishing spaces......And sometimes by irrational and self destructive laws like in Canada where even speech is constrained...

Even in audiogon forums, members are erased from existence WITHOUT explanation like my friend oldhvymec was.... No traces.... No recourse it seems....No explanations... And perhaps i could understand in some way why M.C. was erased but why this humorous poster like the old mechanic could have been banned and for what undisclosed motives ?

No answers...

Perhaps i will be banned too? 😁


No respect for human being everywhere in North -America despite the pretense to BE the free world...It is tragically untrue now ar at least way less true then it was in 1945.....I will not argue with mature adults acting like "children" who will contradict this visible evidence... The king has no clothes anyway...

What we see is an increasing way toward a more controlling society with a conditioning of individuals meeting and classified in crowds with many conflicting flags...

Power divide to reign indeed...Simple Macchiavellian rule...

The best trick is to make a slave who want and dream to be one at all cost, like in Orwell and in Mandeville books...


Like said a famous Greek philosopher: " Point me a man now " ?


«No free thinker walk always to the left or always to the right, when you trace your own road you dont look back»- An anonymus defeated politician







To answer this thread the cost of hi-fi has never increased like the prize of butter in Canada.... From 3 dollars few years ago to 9 canadian dollars at regular price....


Hifi is cheap compared to butter.... For most of us.... Some here dont even know the cost of butter....Anyway wait a few months and you will discover deals in hi-fi used section....Guess why? 😁


Hifi is cheap compared to butter.... For most of us.... Some here dont even know the cost of butter....Anyway wait a few months and you will discover deals in hi-fi used section....Guess why? 

I always enjoy reading your posts..please enlighten though. By what date will something happen that causes what to happen? I enjoy circling a date certain on the calendar to ensure I'm paying attention.

Finance is like Audio very complex to understand at FIRST sight !

A field of science or an aspect of life are always difficult to understand but way less  if we replace MANY complementary  perspectival views on reality by a singular inforced MAP ... This is what is the central banking system...

His modern incarnation after the foundation of the B.I. S.  is understandable easily if we know that...


In audio the many necessary  perspectical views on audiophile experience was focused and conditioned by technology progress for good reasons yes, but way more importantly by gear marketing INSTEAD of acoustic/psycho-acoustic (A./P.A.)science investigation in most audio threads...

Here also the electronical design map fetichism was hiding sound reality A./P.A. experience in the consumers mind ...