Has to be said

i been reading most sites and the little arguments about this and that about making audio in this case be more pleasent ot better to any individual. and have to say upfront that if "you" believe its better to you than it is in fact true to you and you only. we are just reletive respondants to each other and therefore nature and the universe.
many of the subjects that come up as to improving ones audio system tend to go into little details that may or may not have "real" affects on most of us. and also be provable with phsics,math,medical studies etc.many musicians and many humans can distinguish alot of these aspects. and they are ALL quantifiable and measureable very easilly. from 1800 till today FFT and resonance,sound perfiliration has been well adjustable from the totally acoustic pipe organs to the music halls 100s of years ago with out electronic fixes, and all these new snake oil gagets on the market. many are always big commenters here on this site.
Its totally true you can "fix" and sound wave with free rocks,walls,chambers, etc. so go for it at a cost of zero dollars. and adbandon all these marketing hacks.
Ive been well into sound,RF,Radioation, Electron manulipation, Audio,phsics etc all my life and all my relatives aslso . I dont need to justify my opinions yet am dignified by holding 8 international patents,2 doctrets and my dad with similar fields.
one crazy obvious thing no one even bothers to mention is the way off standard of 440hz shifted 8hz the earths standard resonance. while all the 1000s of years 432hz was based on real natural happenings before electronics. dont you all care everything you listen to is 8hz off tune and therefore wrong, but you will bicker about a few microvolts noise from an ocslittating wire with parallell wire  hanging off a standoff. itf too funny to me.
yes all digital except one source tunes their DAC math to 435hz to be more correct to Verdi and other great composers.
ive got tuning forks over the audio and above spectrum and tune my panios violins etc to them 432 hz
and need to say again. yes please do everything Analoge
to correct your sound system, its been done in churches,music halls,the great pyrmids, with instruments themselves.
but do not chase the rabbit down the money hole to fix apparent physhoacoustics in your listening area.

ps the spelling and writing is horrid cause ive got a brain injury2 years ago and under go EEG,ehthesographs and neuro studies constantly. where various frequency sweeps are put thru me and studied by the medical and commercial fields.
Im off for now to play my bass thru 50000watts total. and resonate the neighborhood at 8.2 HZ....


Showing 50 responses by geoffkait

Sorry to take so long to respond but I’m still thinking about the questions. 

hemigreg OP
geoffkait: "wavelength of 25,000 miles found in the “trough” between the surface of the earth and the ionosphere, has nothing whatsoever to do with acoustic frequencies. "

yes maybe not acoustic but influence all other freeqs passing thru such non vacuum density.. and not really relevant again just an example of over whelming effect vs the power breaker chip label...LOL i see some use. tha air density ,particle contect,o2 concemtration,temp, amd more directly effect the acoustic wave to the ear and can be shown at any given time by calc acoustic impeadance. thats why systems sound so different at different seasons, day/night, altitudes etc.

>>>>>Audiophiles have been using Schumann very low frequency (7.83 Hz) generators lo these fifteen years to produce an electromagnetic wave in the room, improving the sound. While it’s not clear how the sound is improved there are several theories. All the world loves a mystery, no?  It can be shown, separately, that the sound changes day to day, hour to hour, month to month, etc. primarily because of (1) the variation in RFI/EMI strength. I.e., Extremely High Frequency electromagnetic radiation, (2) traffic conditions, (3) changes via weather to the electrical AC grid, as well as other factors, many of which are perhaps beyond scope. E.g., changes one makes the the system (whether he remembers making them or not), the number of cellphones in the house at a given time, the number of appliances running at a given time, the amount of old newspapers, magazines, books, lying around at a given time, etc.
The Earth’s natural resonance, the one that is 7.8 Hz is the electromagnetic wave of wavelength of 25,000 miles found in the “trough” between the surface of the earth and the ionosphere, has nothing whatsoever to do with acoustic frequencies. If you wish to discuss Earth’s crust mechanical resonance, that is a separate issue, the seismic (mechanical) vibrations that have a peak in the vicinity of 1-3 Hz. Talk amongst yourselves. Smoke if ya got em.
Good comeback. 🙄 Have you figured out the difference between the Earth’s 8 Hz natural resonance and the 8 Hz you get when you subtract 432 Hz from 440 Hz yet?
I’m laughing so hard right now my ribs hurt. 😩 Ethan Winer, clown extraordinaire! Please don’t make me watch the video. This thread kind of makes me wonder should I ask the doctor to increase my medication. But I’m already on seven different medications. Surely they must be doing something.

“Nothing is written unless I say it’s written.” - T.E. Lawrence

”If I could explain it to the average guy on the street they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.” - Richard Feynman

“People would generally be much better off if they believed in TOO MUCH rather than TOO LITTLE.” - PT Barnum
If I’m reading between the lines correctly there’s a widening schism between advanced audiophiles and Pro Audio proponents. As for the sacred Laws of Physics, I broke three of them today and it’s not even dinner time. Just when we thought we shook the ghost of the bullet headed guy from Audio Review he comes roaring back with a vengeance. 👻

Please clarify. If not all electromagnetic waves are not photons, what else are they comprised of? Because from my understanding, sound waves are mechanical waves, not electromagnetic, and all electromagnetic waves are comprised of photons. If x rays and gamma rays are not comprised of photons, what are they?

>>>>>I’m afraid sailboat ⛵️ sailed off into the sunset 🌅

From what I can tell sailboat, this was giving too much credit and I doubt the same credit will be returned to you, but I admire trying to bring real science and not a convenient pop interpretation to the table.

Geoffkait.. often I agree with your posts. But this one is simply NOT TRUE. All electromagnetic waves are not photos. All photons are electromagnetic waves... but all electromagnetic waves are not photos.

>>>>>A Cargo Cultist newbie rushes in where angels fear to tread. 😇 Anyone notice they generally post a whole lot before they flame 🔥 out? Is some right wing skeptics organization sending in a tag team? 🤼‍♂️
hemigreg OP

now that he brought signal and wires, why dont you guys run all Balanced interconnects which are the standard for professional and important signal wiring???? their performance is magnatudes above any unbalanced coax or eseroteric interconnect... you know like Xlr.

the noise cancelling is crazy good as comparison. and any real good equipt uses it if not as main an option.

>>>>>There it is! I knew it wouldn’t be too long before the word professional raised its ugly head. Next up, why professionals prefer controlled double blind tests. Watch this space. 👀 

hemigreg OP
Maybe you should remember everything you have learned and apply as necessary to everything as you quoted someone "everything effects everythjing"

>>>>>Good comeback! 🙄
Calling all Cargo Cultists! Time to pat each other on the hiney. We just got rid of one and another comes along to take his place. It’s uncanny!

“Knowledge is defined as what’s left after you subtract out all the stuff from school you forgot a long time ago.”
Let us reason together, shall we?

Exhibit A:

“X-rays have much shorter wavelengths than visible light, which makes it possible to probe structures much smaller than can be seen using a normal microscope. This property is used in X-ray microscopy to acquire high resolution images, and also in X-ray crystallography to determine the positions of atoms in crystals.

Interaction with matter[edit]

X-rays interact with matter in three main ways, through photoabsorption, Compton scattering, and Rayleigh scattering. The strength of these interactions depends on the energy of the X-rays and the elemental composition of the material, but not much on chemical properties, since the X-ray photon energy is much higher than chemical binding energies. Photoabsorption or photoelectric absorption is the dominant interaction mechanism in the soft X-ray regime and for the lower hard X-ray energies. At higher energies, Compton scattering dominates.

Photoelectric absorption[edit]

The probability of a photoelectric absorption per unit mass is approximately proportional to Z3/E3, where Z is the atomic number and E is the energy of the incident photon.[64] This rule is not valid close to inner shell electron binding energies where there are abrupt changes in interaction probability, so called absorption edges. However, the general trend of high absorption coefficients and thus short penetration depths for low photon energies and high atomic numbers is very strong. For soft tissue, photoabsorption dominates up to about 26 keV photon energy where Compton scattering takes over. For higher atomic number substances this limit is higher. The high amount of calcium (Z=20) in bones together with their high density is what makes them show up so clearly on medical radiographs.”

A few things for your consideration.

1. A low mass system would have even lower mass if it were mechanically isolated. If you put amps that are sitting on an iso stand on a scale you’ll see they weight considerably less than when they aren’t on a stand. Isolation stands are, in effect, anti-gravity systems! 🤗

2. When you go to a low mass system you eliminate some things that produce noise and distortion, e.g., big honking transformers and big honking capacitors.

3. Beyond low mass systems. 😛 By hopping off the AC grid and going to battery power you can eliminate more things that produce noise and distortion - power cords, AC power itself, ground issues. Then, going to ULTRA LOW MASS + LOW POWER systems, I.e., portable CD player/headphone system, you can reduce mass a lot more AND eliminate even more things that produce distortion and noise - Interconnects, speaker cables, digital cable, big power supplies. You can even eliminate room tuning. Oops! Did I just say that?

No matter how much you have in the end 🔚 you would have had even more if you had started out with more. 🔝


it’s very simple

"everything affects everything else" and the only way you are going to find out is "do". All the rest is really want-a-bee talk or internet trolling.

This year I have seen many HEA audiophiles dump their gear and go low mass and tunable (thanks). Some of these folks are members here who have told me "never going back". So to these members some of you guys look pretty silly :)

Hi Tunees, thanks for your emails and PMs! Is the activity here shrinking by big numbers or have I missed something? Stereophile died because of trolling, is the same happening here?

>>>>No, everything’s fine, Michael. It’s very active. Thanks for trolling. I mean thanks for asking. Oops, my faux pas!
Without too much trouble I found this somewhere in cyberspace. I’ll leave it someone else to decide it’s message.

“This frequency of 440 Hz is called the standard "Concert Pitch" and has been the practice everywhere since about 1939. It was officially adopted by the global ISO Standard in about 1956. Just about all the music you hear is adjusted to this specific pitch. But this was not always the case.

The story told on the web claims that most ancient instruments in human history were tuned to a different pitch. The one most preferred was 432 Hz. It is claimed that even the oldest flutes, dating back to the Neanderthals (45,000 BCE) were tuned to 432, as were the lyres in ancient Greece and the wind instruments discovered in Egyptian tombs.

An interesting story claims that the lyres of the temples of Greece were an integral part of the ceremonies worshiping Isis and other so-called mystery schools. Cult members were aroused to states of ecstasy by the sounds of this 432 Hz tuned music which, in the case of the Eleusinian Mysteries, made them filled with compassion and altruism. For this reason, according to the story, the war-like state of Sparta had all the lyres re-tuned to a higher frequency, thus nulling the anti-war sentiments.

Obviously, the ancient people did not have tuning forks or digital meters and so it is presumed that this frequency of 432 is intuitive, meaning that it somehow sounded right to the human ear. This kind of intuition is supported by the surprise that even the most ancient flutes all have what is called a heptatonic scale of eight notes ("Do, Re, Me, Fa...") such that, if you picked one up back then you could conceivably play Yankee Doodleon it. In fact, in Werner Herzog's film documentary, Cave Of Forgotten Dreams, archaeologist Wulf Hein plays The Star Spangles Banner on a Paleolithic flute made from the radius bone of a vulture.”

There are many ways to tune a system. And they have been mentioned and perhaps even discussed many times before. Tiny little bowl resonators, Mpingo discs, suspending or elevating cables, tube traps and Helmholtz resonators, Schumann resonance generators, crystals, vibration isolation and resonance control, acoustic diffusers and absorbers. Folks, it’s not really rocket science. 🚀 No, speakers are not (rpt not) like musical instruments. You can tune an audio system, you can tune a car but you can’t tuna fish 🐟. Some audiophile tuning devices and tweaks weigh almost as little as a human soul, which has been estimated to weigh about a microgram. Hey, guys! Let’s start a new thread, “How small and insignificant looking or sounding can something be and still influence the sound?”
Your ignorance is showing GK. Please pull up your pants. No one wants to see that.

>>>>Actually I think you probably do. 👀 Can I suggest cooling off in a nice long cold shower?
I give you due credit atdavid for throwing everything but the kitchen sink at my theory. Unfortunately, in spite of all your quibbling and argumentativeness (if that is even a word) the scattered light problems persist in most if not all CD players - most likely because - like you - the designers are unaware of the problem or else swept it under the rug. 🧹

”Where is the data?”  That’s funny. Where is the experiment?
@atdavid, that was a long list of “holes.” Unfortunately, there are some serious holes in your so-called holes. Especially the ones you seem to value the most. At least you avoided your objection, “why don’t you just go to streaming?” I guess you must have changed your mind about that one. 😛

1. If “high quality” CD players read until correct that must mean all other non-“high quality” players have problems reading the CDs. if your claim is even true, which I tend to doubt. If it is true that high quality CD players have solutions for incorrect reading of the CD why is there never any discussion of scattered laser light issues in CD players? Is it because everyone accepts on blind faith that CDs are perfect sound forever? 😳

2. The insides of the CD players are not non-reflective. Even if the insides are painted black and the tray is black it doesn’t absorb infrared light. The color black especially if shiny is not very good at absorbing visible light either. No color is good at absorbing invisible infrared light. We’ve already been over that.

3. Scattered light comes out of the CD at many different angles, it even comes out through the outer edge, which is why greening the outer edge has some audible effect, due to absorption of the visible red part. Since the interior of the transport cannot absorb the scattered light, the interior of the transport lights up like a Christmas tree. Since it’s filled with light obviously some of that light gets into the detector. The detector is just some cheap hunk of junk that accepts a range of wavelengths of light. The CD laser emits about 3 x 10^15 photons per second. So there is obviously no deficit of scattered photons inside the transport.

4. As I’ve already pointed out the Reed Solomon error detection/correction codes are not able to deal with the scattered light problem. If they could then the humble Green Pen wouldn’t be audible. Nor would New Dark Matter. The CD laser servo feedback system likewise is incapable of keeping the nanoscale laser beam on the nanoscale data spiral on the CD. That’s why vibration is such a big problem for CD players and why vibration isolation and damping both the CD and transport motor are necessary for best results.
atdavid keeps saying the theory has big holes in it but never says what they are. Very sneaky. A clever trick oft employed by Cargo Cultists and pseudo scientists. We’ve heard it all before - It disobeys the laws of science. It’s marketing. It doesn’t prove anything. It has big holes in it. Yada yada yada. Then he will find fault with some triviality or irrelevancy and try to claim victory. It’s so transparent. It’s always everyone else who’s illogical. Standard tactics of the professional debunker. You can’t debunk something that’s not bunk. Hel-loo!

Juror #3 - You can’t prove it! 😡
I don’t actually care if you use classical theory or quantum theory. I’m right either way. Checkmate! ♟
Well, actually they probably should. If your rule took you to this place what good is your rule?

People would generally be much better off if they believed in too much rather than too little. 

An ordinary man has no means of deliverance.
It is irrelevant. He mentions the dual slit experiment which is specific to wave particle duality which does not apply with a simple optical detector.

>>>>That’s how CDs work you silly goose. It’s quantum mechanical, the laser is a quantum mechanical device. A Quantum Well. The laser beam is coherent light. Quantum mechanical. “Pits” and “lands” on the CD represent 1s and 0s, in discrete blocks, so when the laser beam strikes a “land” reflective area the full reflected wave is returned to the photodetector, but when the laser beam strike a “pit” the geometry is such that the light wave cancels and there is no reflected signal. It’s a series of ONs and OFFs. That’s how the system figures out the data steam from the physical data on the CD. Theoretically, anyway, as I’ve oft said it’s got some serious issues. Scattered light is one of the issues. So, it’s the same thing as the double slit experiment - light destructively and constructively interfering. Say Hallelujah, brothers! 🤗 🤗 🤗
It’s a logic issue, which you just flunked. You also aren’t following my explanation very well. I’ve been consistent about it for many years. At least you appear to support my basic premise that scattered light is a problem. Now we’re just arguing percentages. So I’m giving you partial credit this time.

atdavidNo discussion needed. You are publishing false information (noted many times) to shill for your products. Please stop!

>>>>The way the game is played Mr. Smarty Pants 👖 is you now have the opportunity to explain where I my explanation is wrong. What’s the false information? You can’t just call be a liar and walk away. That would be sophomoric. But I have a feeling you will not respond and risk being told you don’t know what you’re talking about. 
I’ve already posted Einstein’s quick and dirty explanation of relativity. To whit,

Most people believe if you get rid of all the objects in the universe and the space all you’re left with is time. But that’s not true. If you get rid of all the objects and space in the universe time disappears, too. 

If time did not exist man would have to invent it.

Be good GK, or I will have to take marks off for bad behaviour. Ever notice that X-ray telescopes are only at very high altitudes or space based, but you can get pretty good visible light resolution at ground level. Turns out much visible light passes almost unhindered through the atmosphere, but X-rays are blocked, even though higher energy ..... hmm...

>>>>Did you ever notice that the CD laser isn’t really red? It’s infrared, 780 nm. It only looks red 🚨 as a safety precaution. (You know audiophiles!). That’s why a considerable amount, let’s say 25%, of the scattered laser light that gets into the detector is visible red. Which is why the Green Pen around the outer edge is audible. Agree? Disagree? Talk amongst yourselves.
Oh, OK. Have it your way. Here’s the first chocolate bonbon 💩 you deposited in my in-basket.

“ive been with MIT, THe govt,the r russians,and most pubically published places. yet with,fbi cia natiomal security etc.
and will not tollerate you your jabs at hnational security at all.
thats why im silent in this mail. you can post as will as free speech but at some pointmay post a risk. esp with counter measures as thety are xcalled from jamming takl.
please feel free to convey your message as well as your true identity in public as i have..
unless the dig will begin to your true ISP address .”

Well, there is this little chocolate covered bonbon I found in my inbox from the OP. If the OP doesn’t mind too much I think I’ll add it to my repertoire.

”I do believe you to be a foreigner as a danger to the US security so have at it.”

Note to self: I was wondering if I should ask my doctor to increase my medication. I’m on seven different medications already. Surely they must be doing something. I just want to feel better. 🤡

Who would have guessed an imaging technology involved X-rays? 😳 Gee, I wonder if the X-Ray telescope “sees” X-Ray photons? Side note, even lower energy visible light photons can travel through solid materials. In fact that’s how CDs work. Speaking of quantum mechanics. 🤗
Say, speaking of the OP whatever became of him anyway? He kind of left us dangling here. Did his self-destruct button blow itself up? 😳
That’s what the paragraphs I posted stated. You must be one them know-it-alls. The whole point, without all the jibber jabber, is that X-rays are photons, not electrons. Don’t have an aneurism.
Forest for the Trees has a whole website devoted to his alternate universe. A world of Morphic Fields ruled by the Nimbus Sub Hertz Platform, the Firestone 16-wheeler air bag, springs, and rocks.

I worry you think I might be kidding. http://www.machinadynamica.com/machina24.htm

Yes teleportation. For only several hundred dollars he will call you on the phone and wherever you are in the world you will hear your system improve all thanks to his telepathic use of pebbles, er I mean W.C. er I mean Morphic Fields.

Forest for the Trees occasionally makes the mistake of trying to disembowel me. What looks like a sword to you looks like word salad to me. If there were any sense to be made of it I would let you know. Like the CD thing. He got that right. Give the man credit. Anything else? Let you know when I find it. Don’t hold your breath.

Forest for the Trees loves to quote physicist Feynman. But notice its always the quote meant to put you in your place. If I could explain it to you it wouldn’t be worth the Nobel Prize. Uses that one so much he has it all ready to cut and paste. At least I figure that has to be it. Because when I cut and paste *his version* into a browser all that comes up are his posts. Its never what Feynman actually said, which is worded a bit differently. More to the point, its contrary to another thing Feynman said, that if you really understand then you can explain it to anyone. Feynman’s famous for being able to explain the most complicated puzzles in a way that just about anyone can understand.

>>>>>You get so emotional 😭 Your non-stop ranting perfectly highlights the problem that Einstein and Feynman and others oft experienced when trying to explain their theories to the average Joe Blow on the street. They sometimes met with extremely rude and Neanderthal reactions. That’s why Einstein’s most iconic photo shows him sticking his tongue out to reporters. 😛 There is very blurry line between Classical physics and quantum mechanics any more. My advice would be relax and enjoy the ride. 

I’m not trying to set the world on fire, just start a flame in a few hearts. 💕
I forgot - the ELF signal contains the short message, the VLF signal contains the long message. Cut me some slack, it’s been 40 years. 
What are X-rays? atdavid got interrupted. 😬 The point of X-rays, in the context of this discussion, is that photons of sufficient energy can penetrate deep within solid material. 

“The first way x-rays are produced is the result of the collision between the traveling electrons from the Cathode and the electrons in the glass atoms. When the fast moving Cathode electrons crash into the glass atom’s electrons, they can knock-off an electron — similar to the way a white billiard ball knocks-off a colored, stationary billiard ball. This collision causes the atoms to emit high-energy photons, which are the X rays.

The second way x-rays are produced is result of the moving Cathode electron penetrating deep inside the glass atom — and hitting the the atom’s tiny nucleus. The nucleus is a thousand times denser than the layers of electrons surrounding it, so this collision resembles a collision between something like a SmartCar or a Mini Cooper and a reinforced concrete wall. The electron crashes into the nucleus and is immediately slowed down: all the kinetic energy it has is transferred to the nucleus, which emits high-energy photons. The X rays emitted by this 2nd mechanism is called ‘Breaking X Ray radiation’.

In both cases, then, the result is not a radiation composed of physical particles — as in the case of Cathodic Rays — but an electromagnetic radiation, similar to visible light or Radio waves — except X-rays have a lot more energy.”

Almost everything you just wrote is wrong. To whit, X-rays are not electrons. They’re photons, just like any other form of electromagnetic waves. That’s why EM waves travel at light speed - they ARE light, just not visible light. That’s gold, Jerry, gold! Photons in conductors are the same as photons in water or any material - they’re real photons. I’m gathering your QM theory and EM theory is self taught. 😀
Obviously high energy photos like those in the audio signal, radio waves and X-rays travel through solid objects and low energy photons don’t travel very far in water. In a CD player the scattered light isn’t required to have the same amplitude of the primary reflected signal. But it does have to fit into the bandwidth of the detector, I.e., anywhere from about 650 nm to 850 nm.

In any case, they’re not (rpt not) virtual photons. 
Things unknown for this group could be almost anything. Off with their heads! 
atdavid, you can never find the truth being argumentative. You are blinded by science! 😎 You’re as stubborn as an old mule. I can prove my CD laser theory whereas you can’t prove I’m wrong. It’s a win win for me. 🤗 By the way, the energy of the photons is a red herring. The rest of you so called counter arguments are obviously grasping for straws. You know, the “sky is blue” argument you’ve become famous for.
I just edited by last post to point out it’s because the CD transport lights up with laser light that scattered CD laser light is a problem. You’re being argumentative again. YOU are the one who can’t see the forest for the trees. 
Way to miss the point. It doesn’t matter HOW the frequencies are defined. The point is that the cavities both fills up with light. AND that the light particles move at light speed. They’re waves! They’re particles! The laser output is a wave, that’s how CDs work. He-loo! It’s because the CD transport cavity fills up with waves of photons that scattered CD LASER light is a problem. 
Ironically the trough between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere that contains the Schumann “resonance” is analogous to the inside of the CD transport. The only difference is the photons inside the CD transport, the so-called scattered laser light, are much less energetic than the Schumann “light.” In both cases the space is all lit up. You just can’t see it because the photons aren’t in the visible part of the spectrum. Light is a wave. Light is particles. It’s not complicated. This is not some new fangled science.  It’s the same for submarines, the photons for the extremely low frequency communications, which is very akin to the Schumann resonance, must eventually travel through water, which absorbs and scatters the photons. But photons will definitely travel through some water. They just have to be high energy photons.

hemigreg OP
geoffkait: MIT. I’ve heard of MIT. What have I heard about it? I’ve heard it’s very hard to get into but easy to get out of.

how many years you spend thers??????

>>>>Fortunately, none. Looks like I dodged a bullet.
hemigrog, knowledge is what’s left when you subtract out all the stuff you learned in school and easily forgot. Whenever I see the word Hemi I immediately think of Dennis Hopper wearing an “oxygen mask” in Blue Velvet. 
Everyone else: Forest for the Trees is a prime example of the difference between memorizing words and understanding concepts. Understanding concepts you can actually explain them so others understand them as well. Memorizing words all you can do is correct (when you shouldn’t) people actually using correctly the words you never were able to understand yourself.

>>>>God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. There is a big gap between English majors and science types and the Twain shall never meet. 🔛 That’s what Feynman was referring to when said, “If I could explain it to the average bozo 🤡 they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.”