Have ~$10-12k...what would you do?

Currently run:
-Melody SP3 (heavily rolled with Winged C 6l6's, NOS RCA triple plate ax7's, NOS RCA clear top au7a's, and have switched between either JJ 6922 or GE ecc88's)
-Graham Slee Era Gold Mk V
-Benz H2 Wood Body cart
-Warfedale Jade 5's (87db, 6ohms)

Listen to: Folk, singer-songwriter, jazz, alt-co, and some rock.  Lately been into early 1900's gospel, 60's/70's funk, New Orleans swing.

Thinking I would like to go with Triode...300b is tempting, but options open obviously. 

Just got a complete bargain on the speakers, so will hold on to these for a short bit and upgrade later.  Thinking ATC, Harbeth, KEF, Wilson amongst others, but that can be a different discussion. 

Looking to change up my Melody.  Had it for nearly 10 years, been a good trooper with multiple moves, etc, but time to step it up a bit.  

I have about $10-12k for components and really would love some input on a couple options. 

I've gone everywhere from just doing a better integrated and maybe saving some money (Primaluna HP, Octave, VAC sigma) to separates to mono's (VAC, C-J, Cary, Manley, Rogue, and a few others).  Don't mind used in the least.

I have the chance to purchase some VAC Ren 30/70 monos for about $6500.  These are very tempting, but I know the VAC pre's are rare to appear and unsure of other pre's to match up well. 

If you had my budget, what would you choose, configure, etc.  I've read great things (some better than others) of each of the aforementioned components, 

Thanks to all. 

The SA-T8 has been replaced by the SA-T7. I havn't heard the SA-T7 personally, but a friend has heard both and prefers the SA-T8. I find it puzzling that the SA-T8 is a fully balanced Pre. and Vincent chose to replace it with the SA-T7 which is single ended. I havn't heard a Pre at up to double the SA-T8's RRP that betters it, once you upgrade the rubbish tubes that it's supplied with. You might get lucky and find one.

I have had some real success in getting much improved performance from the Doge 8 and have now revised my opinion of it. The Silver Litz RCA's I am now using with it now have upped it's performance dramatically. While I find the Doge 8 much improved it still doesn't quite match the SA-T8 in musical invovlement. The downside with the Doge 8 is the lack of soft start and if you're not careful you can get a big "thwack" through your Speakers.

Good luck in your search.

Thats interesting intoitforthemusic.   Out of curiosity  re/balanced as there is so much controversy on whether it makes much of a difference unless one is running 40 foot cables or so..  Is the SA-T8 true balanced?   Vincent may have deleted that as to maintain price level.    I am running a Sonic Frontiers line1 with recommended upgrades by PartsConx   --just a simple chip upgrade in the volume control if I recall correctly and some cap upgrades.    So,  a bit hesitant to think I can get that much improvement over a preamp that would cost probably around 5k in todays money.   But,  I like playing around so to speak and have been behaving lately so trying a new preamp that supposedly is something else would be a fun thing.   The thump at turn off is not something that I like to have in my system though.   
@stringreen,    as in money market?      18%?   

"I've gone everywhere from just doing a better integrated and maybe saving some money (Primaluna HP, Octave, VAC sigma) to separates to mono's (VAC, C-J, Cary, Manley, Rogue, and a few others). Don't mind used in the least."

Off topic, but if you're  serious about playing records,I would step up the phono stage with a serious tube unit. Your present amp,  and all the other setups you had, are not presenting your favorite albums in their best light.

The Graham is nice, but obviously will not have the tube vibe, which you have with your Melody. 

For the kind of scratch you're prepared to spend, a used $4-6K killer phono stage and a new Lyra, Koetsu...whatever would satisfy 
the itch, until you're ready for speakers.