Just asking the question. If you don’t  believe in cables. Good for you. But if you do have you ever made a cable change that opened up your system to new heights. Just interested if you have or haven’t. If you don’t believe in cables this isn’t a thread for you. What are your thoughts ?


Nothing dramatic just improvement. Of course I have never gone from zip cord to a really high end cable. Modest improvements over time.

Yes, especially with my reference system.  Sound stage, depth and overall clarity greatly improved on my test tracks/albums. 

Typically the right interconnect or cable will have make a noticeable and important difference. But once in a while it can make a huge difference. I remember my first digital cable... which I was absolutely sure could not possibly affect the sound. I plugged in the high end aftermarket interconnect between my transport and DAC... late 80’s. My jaw dropped... literally. It was as if someone had taken the components out and brought in new ones of much higher sound quality. The system went from thin and tinny to robust with a midrange and much better bass. I was just shocked, completely changed the system.

Another time probably in the 90’s I had ribbon speakers and all solid state gear... not contemporary top of the line... but a Threshold S500 amp, T2 Threshold preamp. I got Transparent speaker cables. The system sounded terrible. So much treble...and again thin... without midrange. I paid a lot for the Transparent. I got a set of Cardas Gold Reference speaker cables... probably the warmest thing on the market. OMG, suddenly it sounded like music, there was a midrange! good bass. The combination of ribbon speakers and that old solid state stuff with really transparent interconnects was just a bad combo. The Cardas balanced the sound out. 

Funny, I now run virtually all Transparent cables and interconnects... because my components sound like they should... full bodied and musical, natural with great bass... I don’t want anything in the way. That is exactly what Transparent are.

Cables to add to the sound quality they take away.  So new cables make a great improvement, it is a statement about the horrible quality of the previous cables.


I would say that the specific difference that I notice most usually is improved focus.