“Dealer, audiophile, owner or hobbyist. Just treat people with respect no matter what. Show civility no matter what.”
Do your words sound respectful to you?
”People can be deebo behind these keyboards. Because you are right you got to have a motive or be a shill. Put your earbuds in and accept that you might be wrong. Nastiness on steroids”
” Some people have taken the joy out of the forum and the hobby. Trying to ram inexperienced comments down your throat.”
” If you have not owned the really good stuff you haven’t had the experience to truly comment on what smthg is or isn’t doing. My Dac is one of the most expensive out there our Method 4.”
What I from your words here and in other threads are often uncivil and disrespectful. What do you actually know of other peoples’ experience or the quality of their sound systems? Have you heard the sound systems of the folks you demean as inexperienced? Who is the arbitrator of “really good stuff?”
“I think the inability to accept that one might be wrong is the bigger problem.”
Do you think this also applies to you? Or does it only apply to audiophiles who disagree with you? Respect and civility are two way streets. Maybe you don’t see your comments as disrespectful but I have a hunch that if I said you were “ramming inexperienced comments down our throats” and that you have never owned or experienced “really good stuff” you would probably find it disrespectful and uncivil.