Have we lost civility and respect on Audio forums?

I think we have.  I have seen many discussion on audio forums and how nasty they can become when you have people disagreeing. Seems like there are a lot more know it alls now. I been in 20 years and I can still learn.  But I also know I know quite a bit. Like cables can enhance the sound and higher end well designed gear can truly be ear candy special.  Is this just on audio forums or the internet period. 


“Dealer, audiophile, owner or hobbyist. Just treat people with respect no matter what. Show civility no matter what.”

Do your words sound respectful to you?

”People can be deebo behind these keyboards. Because you are right you got to have a motive or be a shill. Put your earbuds in and accept that you might be wrong. Nastiness on steroids”

” Some people have taken the joy out of the forum and the hobby. Trying to ram inexperienced comments down your throat.”

” If you have not owned the really good stuff you haven’t had the experience to truly comment on what smthg is or isn’t doing. My Dac is one of the most expensive out there our Method 4.”

What I from your words here and in other threads are often uncivil and disrespectful. What do you actually know of other peoples’ experience or the quality of their sound systems? Have you heard the sound systems of the folks you demean as inexperienced? Who is the arbitrator of “really good stuff?”


“I think the inability to accept that one might be wrong is the bigger problem.”

Do you think this also applies to you? Or does it only apply to audiophiles who disagree with you? Respect and civility are two way streets. Maybe you don’t see your comments as disrespectful but I have a hunch that if I said you were “ramming inexperienced comments down our throats” and that you have never owned or experienced “really good stuff” you would probably find it disrespectful and uncivil. 

I do not think so. Most people are civil and helpful; some are not. Those that are not use the anonymity of the www to bully people. There is one forum in particular on which people are very opinionated but blinded by their ignorance. Proffer a dissenting opinion and you will be ridiculed and thrown off that forum.

Good evening/morning....and mho....the only one I have....

I chalk a lot of the day to day to the stresses of living in a growing population in towns, cities of nearly any notable size, and esp. the major metro areas.

We're exposed to the daily 'news cycle' of which I certainly don't have to list the horrors of ongoing conflicts, the heart-rending pathos of humans, the flora and fauna we share and send off into various oblivions, the trials/tribulations/the startling displays of outright greed and/or downright stupidity...

...and what's seems to be an utter lack of 'uncommon sense' and nominal civility.

It grinds at ones' soul, noticed or not....but, it does 'get to' us all.

We're all in this gene pool, and some swim better....some are happy just being able to tread at the surface...some just float, buoyant enough....

....and then there's those that aren't doing so well....at anything, in some cases...

Simplistic?  Perhaps....No simple answers, no matter how one approaches it...

I may not agree with nor share ones' viewpoint(s) on things of an audio nature, but I certainly will agree with you doing whatever boats your float.

As long as you will allow me mine, and my potential to ignore your sage advice. ;)

"If there be self-made hells, we all must live in them.  Mine may be no better nor worse than someone else's..."

Y'all Are 'pleasant company'....overall.  I try to give back what I read.

Not always on subject, tho'....'nature of the beast'...*g*

New Years' resolutions, anyone? 

Deep regards, Jerry


Those are well written eloquent thoughts and words to defend atrocious behavior. But I think society has been defending this kind of behavior for too long. Respect for others is something everyone here should know by now. We have enough people around us who lie, cheat and from all walks of life for whom are never held accountable for very bad (even criminal) behavior. Do we not draw the line somewhere? In order for any country to maintain civility, rules, norms, laws and order we must draw lines. Don’t cross them. "What happens if I do?". Well people walk away, they vote for the other guy, they walk out of the car dealership, they move out of the country they live in. The niceties of the society they lived in.... go away. Yeah, I think many us in the world are tired of lying, bullying, arrogance, cheating and rudeness...

BTW overall I agree with your comments. I just don't think any of us should excuse

butt_ole behavior.

@scottwheel not trying to be nasty towards you but every thread I put up you come on and respond to like 10-15 times and yes you have a right to do that if you like. Not trying to be mean but in my opinion like you gave yours maybe you should go to another thread or platform. We all have accounts here and threads we start. Everyone has a right to participate but I created another thread because of your excessive commenting. I can’t tell you how many times to comment but I will tell you I would never take any audio or life advice from you. Your audio comments in my opinion come from a place where a listener has not actually experienced the same type or similar gear I have access to. That would lead to inexperience with that type of gear which someone like me would never take your advice. The other part of this that you literally take posters comments break them down and post continually annoying responses because they call you out on your comments. Sir you are the type of guy folks like me are speaking of. 1. They think they know it all. 2. They have to get the last word. 3. They typically don’t own higher end or resolving gear. 4. They want to always be the smartest guy in the room but never show you what the made on the test. 5 unable to even take the test or even the class. 6. They wanna tell you what you are not hearing while you are listening to your gear with your ears while they type with their fingers. 7. They give you a scientific analogy saying your ears are tricking you. 8. They will eventually get mad call you a not so nice word then blame you. 9. The don’t like to learn any new ways the just wanna to teach you their flawed way. 10. They run off all the positive vibes and mature legitimate discussion. Now go ahead and repost this and break it down with your responses as usual. I wish you wouldn’t comment on my threads but you will show us you are the smartest guy in the room on repeat. Lol. 😂.