Good evening/morning....and mho....the only one I have....
I chalk a lot of the day to day to the stresses of living in a growing population in towns, cities of nearly any notable size, and esp. the major metro areas.
We're exposed to the daily 'news cycle' of which I certainly don't have to list the horrors of ongoing conflicts, the heart-rending pathos of humans, the flora and fauna we share and send off into various oblivions, the trials/tribulations/the startling displays of outright greed and/or downright stupidity...
...and what's seems to be an utter lack of 'uncommon sense' and nominal civility.
It grinds at ones' soul, noticed or not....but, it does 'get to' us all.
We're all in this gene pool, and some swim better....some are happy just being able to tread at the surface...some just float, buoyant enough....
....and then there's those that aren't doing so anything, in some cases...
Simplistic? Perhaps....No simple answers, no matter how one approaches it...
I may not agree with nor share ones' viewpoint(s) on things of an audio nature, but I certainly will agree with you doing whatever boats your float.
As long as you will allow me mine, and my potential to ignore your sage advice. ;)
"If there be self-made hells, we all must live in them. Mine may be no better nor worse than someone else's..."
Y'all Are 'pleasant company'....overall. I try to give back what I read.
Not always on subject, tho'....'nature of the beast'...*g*
New Years' resolutions, anyone?
Deep regards, Jerry