Have you ever been turned off by an Arrogant Dealer? Thoughts

I have and it's extremely disappointing 


Arrogance = Insecurity

I treat the few remaining as gods.

They treat me the same way.




What I have noticed is most of the dealers are not willing to sell below full retail.  Some of the out of town retailers are willing to sell for less because they can burry the sale without anyone being the wiser.  Let's say they drop their price on an out of state sale and mark it up 10%, I would rather throw in a few of those deals because they all add up to a total gross profit number at the end of the month.  It also helps them to turn their inventory so in turn they are able to increase their volume with their suppliers which in turn makes them more valuable to them.

My former Dealer Bob Spence was great. He really made you feel right at home. He would give me long demos and bought things from him time and time again. He also educated me along the way in audio. We have even had listening sessions at each other's houses. He was old school.  Did lots of business. I referred lots of clients to him. That's the way it was supposed to be. 

I always have a way of dealing with arrogant and people that thinks their crap don't stink. I will yell at their face right in the store in front of all the customers where the arrogant people will just shut up, surprised and end up listening to you, then at the end I always the one that's right and they're wrong and 99.99% of the time they beg to apologize to me. As a customer no one wins over me.

The place I go to has greeted me like a friend. I walk in they give me a hard time with a smile and will put on music in one of their rooms just for me to listen to. I once was asking about buying a subwoofer and told him what for. He said go right to the -------- dealer they are having a great sale online, I can’t beat it. The cash was in my hand. Over the years I have spend a few k there. Sometimes they have what I need or they think I like, sometimes they don’t and direct me elsewhere. Always have the policy of take it home and listen to it first, then come back and tell us what you think. Went through 3 choices of speakers one time, bought the last onces which were what he thought I might like with the electronics I have. Even when I thought I liked something but it just wasn't right or I was hedging, they said don't spend the money if it isn't right. Superb place, they want you happy. Happy customers return.