Headphones vs full range speakers

I've never had any really high end headphones. I had like a $500 pair of Seinhauser earbuds for a while. I thought they sounded really good even pushing off a phone. Question is who has gone from listening to speakers for your main listening pleasure to headphones or vice versa. Can get something like the top of the line Focal Utopia headphones while pricey they are in line with "mid grade" speakers. 

I don't entertain often at all and the wife does not listen anymore. Just started thinking why not simplify and get some kick butt headphones. 


@mofojo I hate headphones. However, the RAAL SR1a ’earphones’ are some of the best 2 channel sound I have ever heard. Just to go crazy and make them sound good I bought the following gear to make them sound good:

- CODA 07x preamp (office)

- Parasound A21+ amp (office)

- KRELL K-300i integrated (bedroom)

I even had Audience FrontRow speaker cable on them when I used a Benchmark AHB2 amp and a CODA #8 amp with them. However, that was too crazy and I moved those 2 amps and speaker wire to my regular 2 channel system.

You can get these RAAL SR1a sounding great with many other cheaper amps (and special headphone amps). However, I decided to do it this way.

BTW - after getting the RAAL I sold my Meze Empy headphones and my Benchmark HPA4 because I had no interest in regular headphones again. There is a November sale at RAAL-Requiste now.

True Ribbon Headphones & Amplifiers | RAAL-requisite (raalrequisite.com)

BTW2 - this reviewer has a killer 2 channel system. Here is is opinion on the RAAL SR1a. I concur and I have a nice 2 channel rig too.

Review | RAAL-requisite SR1a Earfield Headphone Monitor - Reviews - Audiophile Style


The RAAL-requisite SR1a headphones are unequivocally the most sensational audio product I've ever heard. Honestly, no product has ever captured my attention, caused me to listen to more music, or garnered my enthusiasm like the SR1a Earfield headphone monitors.  I've listened to them nearly every day since I took delivery on Thursday February 13, 2020. I frequently sit across the room from a $100,000+ audio system, looking at it, while listening through these headphones. The SR1a is that good. Stunning, amazing, and the only headphone capable of pulling me away from my main audio system. 

@b_limo  I must disagree on post #1. I used to think the same way. Even when I had my Meze Empy headphones I thought it was good but not 2 channel good. The RAAL is really 2 channel for me.

I also listen to the RAAL every day. The great thing is that I do not feel like I am doing a downgrade when I shutdown the 2 channel and put on the RAAL.

I’ve gone pretty far down the headphone rabbit hole in the past 6 years. Currently I have 7 headphone amps, 3 of which can serve as system preamp for my desktop audio system (2 x 2-way nearfield monitors + sub); and 5 or 6 headphones at any given time.

My favorite headphones are the heirloom-quality wooden earcup designs of ZMF headphones. I have 3 of those models currently; had and sold 2 others. I can firmly recommend the Verite Open, the best dynamic driver headphone I’ve ever heard (and I’ve heard many).

Headphones with planar/orthostatic drivers are a whole other bag. I really love certain sonic qualities that planars excel at. I currently have 2 planars: 1 is the legacy ZMF design, the Ori (lovely sounding closed back design); and tied w/the Verite Open for best headphone here is the Final D8000. Both of these headphones manage to combine a lot of resolution & speed with an organic, musical sound that is the opposite of the forensic/accurate thing found in some pricey headphones (and speaker, of course).

Speakers systems & headphones are both audio reproduction, but they are relatively dissimilar. I’ve come to love the intimacy and drama of really good headphones. Of course, no headphone can light up a room like a speaker system (horses for courses).