The best possible amplifier you can get for hearing loss is a set of the amazing new hearing aids that are now available. I urge you, and anyone suspecting loss, to investigate this matter. The best of the new devices are simply astonishing pieces of micro technology.
They are customizable to your individual hearing profile, each individual ear. So the high frequencies or whatever is needed can be brought up, (though some highs you can never regain) similar to a graphic equalizer or room correction software, and leave whatever is whole alone. Think of it as laser eye surgery for the ears... though it's not surgery.
They are light and inconspicuous, far moreso than eyeglasses.
And the sound is incredible and natural. The sound is actually MORE natural than trying to hear through diminished ears because the devices regain the natural sounds that you are otherwise missing. Furthermore, they have the side benefit of helping diminish or eliminate that annoying tinnitus...
You might not really realize what you've been missing. Far from ruining your audio experience, the devices will be an absolutely critical component in the chain; once you hear through the best, you won't want to go back, and you may find yourself waxing evangelical.
I was very concerned, downright depressed, when I realized I ought get some (I got the Phonak Paradise T9- waterproof), and thought they'd ruin my audiophile experience... FAR FROM IT. I'm astonished and my audio systems suddenly sprung back to life as I recaptured that high frequency magic... I hear better now than I have for decades; I never even knew what I was missing.
These are not your grandpa's or daddy's aids, unless your daddy is up to date. Just in the last couple years, the tech has made exponential gains and the best ones are also firmware updatable as the tech continues to evolve (but the best ones are so good now, there's no reason to wait).
They will have more benefits for your audio experience, and your life overall, than any other new amplifier could even possibly approach, no matter how much you spend on the amp. Get your hearing right FIRST, and then investigate other new components if you even want to because your old components will sound new or better than new with your new ears... wait on any other upgrade... get yourself right first...
Investigate Widex Moment (a favorite among MUSICIANS, including for use in the studio...) and the Phonak Audeo Paradise... The Paradise is a Swiss-made device coupled with Silicon Valley computer tech...
Get referrals to the BEST audiologist that you can possibly find.
I think you will be amazed and utterly delighted.