Heavy difficult to move speakers- how do you deal?

I have a tough decision. I have speakers with built-in casters and move around quite easily. But I’m thinking about buying new speakers that have spikes and discs and weigh 120 pounds each.

Has anybody figured out a way to make life easier should you want to move a speaker around your home or even a couple feet from where they currently are?





I always have six sliders around… vinyl side for on carpet and carpet covering for wood floors.

But seldom have I ever needed them. I have the delivery guys put in approx position and they are simple to pivot and walk one corner at a time. My speakers are about 120 lbs and it is trivial and of no real work or stress to walk them to change positions slightly. I have a bad back. 

Many people here have spoken highly of these Herbies Gliders.  Not only do they make it easy to move speakers, several have experienced significant performance improvements and they’re relatively cheap.  Win win win.  Hope this helps.
