Help / advice needed on monoblocks ?

hi guys,

i have a pair of monoblocks amps & have them situated in such a way that I can use 1.5m powercord on the right side and 2m powercord on the left side. Will the different length of powercord matter ?

Yes, the powercord are of the same make but its the length that varies ? Will this make a difference in sound ?

my 2nd question:

is it possible to use different length of interconnect ? one side needs to be 1.5meters long while the other side needs 2.0m in length.

Thanks for the help.

one side needs to be 1.5meters long while the other side needs 2.0m in length.

there isnt a huge difference between the 1.5 and 2m , so just go with the 2m
actually i already have both cables but one was purchased with 1.5m in length, the other at 2m in length. If i had known i would have monoblocks, i would just buy 2m in length.

i also couldnt return the cables.

before i fire up the amps, just need to know if there are ill effects with one side of the amp at 1.5m, the other at 2.0m ? maybe one side louder than the other ??
