HELP! Large speakers fell over during shipping.

Bought a pair of Dali Euphonia MS5 speakers. They must have fallen over during shipping. They were upside down on the pallet when they got to my house. 155Lbs for each box.
My question is, what could have happened internally? Could drivers be harmed? Crossovers? I refused delivery, but now the seller wants them re-delivered so the insurance agent can look them over. I never took them out of the (destroyed) boxes, but now I’ll have a chance to, and check them out. What should I look for (even if they still sound good)?
@1111art - you should refuse shipment to get the speakers back to DALI for them to inspect/fix, then send you out a inspected/new pair.  Accepting them then trying to fix yourself may opening a can of worms - a lot of uncertain additional time and effort invested to fix the speakers with no guarantee that they'll perform as new.
If they are strapped flat on the pallet much less chance of damage they should have plastic wrap around them also, if designed properly there should be thick sponge type foam ,not white styrofoam which is outdated and cheap. There should be no physical damage  maybe tighten drivers the screws around surround can be loose ,Xover is soldered it would take a lot to break ,if Xover is glued inside the glue could break away. For sure I would not except any box  
damaged period, once you except it it’s your problem.
The speakers are being re-delivered today. I'll inspect them, then an insurance adjuster will.
Then I'll either offer a lower price to the buyer (who's already fully refunded me), or let the shipping company do whatever they do at that point. The seller is a lawyer, so he's having me
write a disclaimer on the delivery notice.
Artisan Shipping in NY has brought expensive delicate musical instruments to me from all over the country.  I can't imagine the size and weight of these speakers would be an issue, and his pricing is comparable to motor freight, especially if the freight is not being discounted (my motor freight account has a 70% discount, and I'm an extremely small-time operator).  The guy knows how to handle priceless art and antiques with care and respect.  He picks up anywhere and delivers to your door.  Highly recommended, and the only shipper I'll use for something I care about.  Message me for his contact information if interested.