Help me buy a magical pre-amp that doesn't exist

I'm looking for a pre-amp, to go along with my new Behringer A500, with quite specific requirements. So far, it seems that this magical pre-amp does not exist, mostly due to the first requirement

-Costs in line with the Behringer. I will be selling a Rotel RA-02 Integrated amp so I'll have a budget of about $300-500, give or take as I'm willing to throw in some other money too if needed, to work with.

-Good sound, obviously. Neutral, no hiss.

-Solid state. I tend to leave my amps on 24/7 so tubes are frowned upon for this reason.

-Remote control. My laziness demands it.

-Balanced outputs/(at least one) input. I would prefer to run completely balanced, since I'm going into a pro crossover to separate my speakers and bass bins, then to the A500.

-Reasonable cosmetics. I hate the 80ies look. This puts Linn gear I've seen in a bad light that fits pretty much every other requirement.

-MC phono stage! Ooh, I bet you guys all hate me now. There go 99% of the candidates.

-A 12v trigger would be nice too, but it's not a make-or-break feature.

So far, through research and recommendations I've come up with the following, in order of price:

Classe Thirty
Linn LK-1
NAD 116
Classe Five

Anybody know of others? Any thoughts between these four?

The NAD fits every requirement but might not sound as nice as the others. It's also a lot harder to find! Some suggestions or comments would be so greatly appreciated!
I think you need to lower your expectations or raise your budget, for the record I have a tube pre and it is on 24/7 with over a year on it with no tube changes. Like I assume you know the MC is probably the deal breaker, most in that budget will be MM only....and probably not very good.
I'd get a tube preamp if I were you.
Turn the preamp off when not listening,and back on 1/2-1 hour before you listen.

The Dared SL-2000a 2005 or 2006 models are in your price range used.
If you want new you'll have to get a 2007 model which is no different from the 2006 model.They all come with a volume remote.
The 2006 + 2007 with a nice wood remote,the 2005 is plastic.
My 2005 model (with good tubes) beat out my old $1500 retail,sterophile class B preamp and my buds $3500 retail class B preamp.

I have a friend back home who has a Classe preamplifier running a Golden Tube SE40. Very nice sound! However, for your price range - please visit and look at the Grounded Grid preamplifier! Lots of great press! In fact, if you type in "Transcendent Sound Grounded Grid Preamplifier" into Google - it will bring up those reviews and comments!

Hope this helps

Studio 1
Go with the Classe five I am using the Classe DR-5 no remote and I am very pleased with its built,performance,and most of all how reliable it is.