Help me buy a magical pre-amp that doesn't exist

I'm looking for a pre-amp, to go along with my new Behringer A500, with quite specific requirements. So far, it seems that this magical pre-amp does not exist, mostly due to the first requirement

-Costs in line with the Behringer. I will be selling a Rotel RA-02 Integrated amp so I'll have a budget of about $300-500, give or take as I'm willing to throw in some other money too if needed, to work with.

-Good sound, obviously. Neutral, no hiss.

-Solid state. I tend to leave my amps on 24/7 so tubes are frowned upon for this reason.

-Remote control. My laziness demands it.

-Balanced outputs/(at least one) input. I would prefer to run completely balanced, since I'm going into a pro crossover to separate my speakers and bass bins, then to the A500.

-Reasonable cosmetics. I hate the 80ies look. This puts Linn gear I've seen in a bad light that fits pretty much every other requirement.

-MC phono stage! Ooh, I bet you guys all hate me now. There go 99% of the candidates.

-A 12v trigger would be nice too, but it's not a make-or-break feature.

So far, through research and recommendations I've come up with the following, in order of price:

Classe Thirty
Linn LK-1
NAD 116
Classe Five

Anybody know of others? Any thoughts between these four?

The NAD fits every requirement but might not sound as nice as the others. It's also a lot harder to find! Some suggestions or comments would be so greatly appreciated!
I'd get a tube preamp if I were you.
Turn the preamp off when not listening,and back on 1/2-1 hour before you listen.

The Dared SL-2000a 2005 or 2006 models are in your price range used.
If you want new you'll have to get a 2007 model which is no different from the 2006 model.They all come with a volume remote.
The 2006 + 2007 with a nice wood remote,the 2005 is plastic.
My 2005 model (with good tubes) beat out my old $1500 retail,sterophile class B preamp and my buds $3500 retail class B preamp.

I have a friend back home who has a Classe preamplifier running a Golden Tube SE40. Very nice sound! However, for your price range - please visit and look at the Grounded Grid preamplifier! Lots of great press! In fact, if you type in "Transcendent Sound Grounded Grid Preamplifier" into Google - it will bring up those reviews and comments!

Hope this helps

Studio 1
Go with the Classe five I am using the Classe DR-5 no remote and I am very pleased with its built,performance,and most of all how reliable it is.
I see a lot of tube gear and nothing remotely answering my question, though I appreciate the responses.

I realize it's a tall order, but I even listed four pre-amps myself that are close to the mark, so it's not a dream. Does anybody have any comments on the preamps I listed? Any other suggestions besides tube gear?

You've probably reaqlised fm other comments that none of the active pre's at the price range will do much to improve the system (the opposite).

I suggest you consider a stand-alone phono with motorised volume control and some switching option. Some people offer kits -- and assembled kits (as usual Hagerman comes to mind). You may be able to hit the $ mark with that. The phono will be better and the rest... just play passive.