Help me pick a new turntable

I am looking for opinions on the following turntables. If you have comparisons, that would be great, but mostly I would like to hear your experiences with any of the three. I know they are all very different approaches to turntable design. Thanks in advance.

- Technics SL-1000R
- Clearaudio Innovation wood, either a 9 or 12 inch arm
- Acoustic Signature Hurricane Neo with TA-2000 9 inch arm


Sl-1000R. I just seen a Plinth for about $500.00. Sits the table & comes with 4 arm boards.

Of the 3 I'd go with the AS Neo. But I've also recently listened to a Kuzma Stabi R that blew me away. That's my next table fir sure.

Thank you for your responses. The AS is the only one I have a chance to hear locally.