Help me spend $100,000 on a new system

I’ve recently been considering moving and downsizing my home. While exploring how much I might sell my house and land for, I was shocked that I might have an excess of $100,000 after selling and buying a smaller new home with less acreage. I’m 71 years old and can’t take it with me, so I’m trying to figure out how to spend that potential resource.

One possibility would be to purchase a new stereo system with all that cash. I would like to demo a system costing that much to see what sound quality you could get for a stupendous amount like that. But I don’t have any idea what brand/model components to look at. Perhaps you could suggest components you might consider if you were setting up a system at that price point. Also how would you budget the total amount per component including wiring.

I am not interested in adding streaming or anything else I might not already have to the system. I would be open to buying separates to replace any single component such as the integrated amplifier. Maybe a separate DAC, phono stage, preamp etc. Please tell me what you would do.

Following are the components I already have to upgrade. My system consists of Magico A3 speakers, a Luxman 507uX MK2 integrated amp, a Marantz Ruby KI CD/SACD player, A VPI Classic 2 turntable with a Fatboy tonearm and a Lyra Kleos cartridge. Wiring consists of Audioquest Rocket 88 speaker cables, and VPI house brand wires that connect to the tonearm. I forget the brands of the other wires and cables, but they are of similar quality to the above.

I also have a Shunyata Hydra Denali 4000 power conditioner with a Venom power cord (I think) that I will continue to use without upgrading.

I would welcome any of your suggestions and utilize them next time I go up to Washington DC to visit dealer showrooms for demos. Thank you much.

It does sound weird to consider spending that much on a system costing over three times what I paid for my first home, so I hope I’m not sounding uppity here.




Post removed 

+1 @carlsbad2 

Very wise.  My audio purchases in no way affect investments or impact any thinking on that front.  The only way to fly.


Best advice is seen above several times.  Get all your property movements completed.  Hook up the gear you have. Treat the room.  Then and only then figure out what may need to be upgraded after the dust has settled.




I'm with you when it comes to avoiding a streamer, as I've experienced enough format changes in my lifetime (vinyl to tape to CD to HDCD to SACD).

@mitchagain  , I am also a member of that club.

Hi Mike:

I'm presently working on prototype audio cabinets as I've started a bespoke furniture company after 40 years in insurance. I've been making fine furniture for over 33 years. My firm's initial niche is for those wanting beautiful furniture that accommodates the need for air flow from components, incorporating the client's desired isolation devices [as appropriate] while housing an audiophile system for the "living room". Others have mentioned downsizing to me as I've explored such a need and there may be times where a change in one's abode deletes the [previous] primary listening area in a "man cave".


Reach out to me if you are in such circumstances and would like to explore options.


Steven Harrison

Madrone Timbre Woodworks