Help me with my short list

I am looking for DAC options for my desktop system. It will run Tidal to a set of powered dynaudio speakers (exite x14A's).
Ideally the unit will have a volume control as well.
I would like to buy used and be under $1k given the value of the other components in the system.
So far I am aware of the Chord Hugo (which has the added utility of being portable for my headphones), the Mytek stereo 192 dad unit with while not portable checks the other boxes and is a little cheaper used than the hugo.
What else should I be on the lookout for? Benchmark comes to mind but I had one of the original units and it seemed grainy as I recall.
Uhm, you could look at the Emotiva Stealth DC-1.  It is definitely not grainy sounding.  It is smooth, but it may not have the resolution or "separation of instruments" that other DACs have.  I have not heard the Mytek, so I would recommend you audition that first if you can.  The Mytek may have more resolution than the Emotiva.  The Emotiva can sound a little closed-in, but it's a very pleasant sound and I wouldn't call it bad.  The DC-1 is about the same physical size as the Mytek.
If portability is not a requirement, I'd look into Bluesound Node2 or the Auralic mini. I've owned Node 2 since March and am very pleased. All the (preamp) controls are from your smart phone app, including volume, tone controls, etc. Schiit also makes good components.
There's a Bel Canto DAC3 for sale here now.  I had it in my main system on extended demo and it is an extremely good DAC and looks like it meets your other needs as well.  Worth a look for sure.  Best of luck. 

The Mytek 192 is old. :) The Brooklyn is it's replacement.

One really inexpensive unit you should audition is the Parasound Zdac. Much better sounding than it's price point.

The Ayre Codex is another small unit many really like.

If you want portable with DSD support, the Fiio X3 series are my favorites, but the amp doesn't do IEM's very well, for that i use an add-on amp unit.