Help! Power question

My "rig" is plugged into an outlet that is all by itself on it's own breaker in the box. All equipment is plugged into a power conditioner/surge protector (Furman).   About a month ago, new central air unit was installed into my house.   Now, whenever the air kicks on, the foobar player on pc driving rig and the DAC (Chord Qute) freezes and i have to turn both off and back on.  

What is going on!!!!!! why is the surge protector not working! and the whole thing is on it's own circuit!

Thank You Very Much
I think the best place to start is to examine the line your rig is on. Are all of the connections - in the service panel, in the receptacle - clean and tight? If it isn’t a dedicated line, have you checked all of the intermediate connections between the service panel and your receptacle? Ideally, you want these connections made with screw terminals - not the "push-through" connectors that many electricians like to use to save time - or with proper wire nut twist-on connectors.

Checking the connections made to your new a/c is also a good idea. Did you get a permit for that work? It would certainly be required where I live, and it never hurts to have an independent inspector examine the work done by a contractor.

You don’t give much information about your Furman unit. Some surge protectors provide only that, and do not "condition" the a/c power. But before trying a Band-Aid approach to your issue, I’d check all of the wiring and connections first. That’s a good thing to do in any event.
I'm wondering if power draw when the A/C kicks on is causing a temporary sag in overall house voltage/current.  Maybe that disruption is causing the freeze up.  Don't think a surge protector or dedicated line are intended to remedy such.  Just a guess on my part, however.

Have your AC company add a start kit on the compressor, if not already added. Should not be needed with scroll compressors, but should help with starts. Also, have them double check wire size for the unit, just in case.