Help! Power question

My "rig" is plugged into an outlet that is all by itself on it's own breaker in the box. All equipment is plugged into a power conditioner/surge protector (Furman).   About a month ago, new central air unit was installed into my house.   Now, whenever the air kicks on, the foobar player on pc driving rig and the DAC (Chord Qute) freezes and i have to turn both off and back on.  

What is going on!!!!!! why is the surge protector not working! and the whole thing is on it's own circuit!

Thank You Very Much
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Sleepwalker it is possible to have unbalanced load. When electricians setup panels in residential they do balance loads.  Also I did not say anything in my message that could hurt anyone.  I don't need to pretend,  i have done my share of basic electrical work.  I believe this forum is for sharing experience,  correcting or helping others. There is really no place to attempt to humiliate or condescend others who are trying to give solutions. Better response would be, sorry fellow audiogon member you are wrong and this is the correct way according to my credentials and experience.  No need to impune others. All this creates is a diminished conversation to reply for fear of ridicule. 
I’m usually a lot more easy going when it comes to people who are making technically inaccurate statements. No personal malice, just trying to send a clear message about the risks of untrained people handling electrcity.

When it comes to electricity, because I am an electronics engineer, I have the perspective from formal training that most other people don’t. You can easily create a dangerous situation with 120 volts AC, (even with lower voltages, it comes down to the amount of energy that can be (mis)-directed) if you don’t fully understand the nature of it. 

I see examples every day of people doing dangerous things with electricity: failing to connect ground wires, failing to properly terminate wires to terminals, failure to put junctions in junction boxes, failure to use adequate conductors for a given circuit capacity, failure to use materials that are UL/ ULc / CSA certified, etc.... 

Bottom line is people who aren’t trained as professional electricians should hire the services of a professional electrician, as well as be aware of other requirements in their municipality such as obtaining permits and having appropriate inspections done by the ESA or other prevailing electrical authority as it may apply.