Help With DSP Options

I’m looking into trying some DSP, but not sure what’s out there that fits my needs. I want to keep the signal digital till it reaches my dac.  I also need the DSP to output over usb. This is where I’m having trouble finding something unfortunately. I can find a few products that keep the signal digital but none that output over usb. I don’t have a large budget right now, around 500$.  Still interested in hearing about more expensive units though. If out of budget but otherwise the right fit I’d be willing to save for a bit before purchasing. Also curious peoples thoughts on how a DSP might impact the sound outside of its DSP capabilities. I don’t want to loose transparency by adding the DSP, so hopefully that’s possible. Looking forward to what you guys can come up with. 


There are ways of doing either or both, depends on what your goal is and how much you have to spend.  How are the 3 way horns wired? 

Just get a DAC that ignores a reclocker and sell it to some other rube.

The all inputs are equal.

Pretty into my dac right now. I’m sure some day I will be inclined to upgrade, but right now I can’t imagine with my economic status finding a better value in a dac. I have no doubt such a dac exist, but me finding it and paying what it takes to get there doesn’t make since for me. If it’s usb input is best I will gladly work with that.  It seems steaming is headed that direction currently anyways