Help with picking new integrated for under 3k

Hi all, I'm seeking advice in purchasing a new integrated amplifier. Max budget is 3K. Slowly upgrading as I get more into the hobby.

Current set up is as follows:
Preamp  - Cambridge CXA 60 running as pre
Amp - Rotel RB 990BX
Phono Stage - Musical Surroundings Phonomena ii+
Speakers - Anthony Gallo Reference 3.1 
Turntable - VPI Aries Scout
Cartridge - Ortofon 2m Bronze
Interconnects - Audioquest Diamondback
Streamer - appleTV

80% of my critical listening is on the turntable but when I'm reading, have company over, and/or just hanging and don't want to get off the couch out I'll stream over my appleTV.

Presently strongly considering Parasound Halo Hint 6 and Musical Fidelity M6si. There's also a local listing for a Mcintosh MA6500 and a Hegel H3600 that I could probably get for around my budget, although the Hegel would be a bit of a stretch. So any thoughts on those two amps as well would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance. 
sammyshaps, if you like the sound of your Rotel, why not their RA-1592 integrated?  It has lots of power (200w/ch) and that same neutral sound.  And its built-in DAC will put your Apple TV to shame.  The advantage of Rotel is that they have been around a long time and have a reputation for very high build quality.  I have a 15 year-old Rotel RA-1092 in a secondary system and it has never had an issue. 

If not the Rotel, I would concur with those who have proposed Hegel products, having recently auditioned their top of line H590.  Nice neutral sound.  Their H190 at 150w/ch @ 8 ohms (250w/ch @ 4 ohms) is no slouch.  But if you plan to upgrade other components you may want to think about how much power you will need for any future speakers you wish to purchase.  A 150-200w/ch integrated will drive most, but not all high quality speakers.   

I can't speak to the other brands suggested by others, but would encourage you to try to bring home a unit to audition in your room with your other equipment.  If you can find dealers nearby or others who will ship to you for demo, I highly suggest you do that. 

Happy listening! 
@ 3k the Parasound A21+ might be a sound choice (no pun intended) not integrated, but would be a nice foundation to build on for your large room, best of luck !
+1 on the Kinki EX-M1. 
You'll be amazed at the sound.

All the best,
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I listened to an Anthem STR running into Paradigm Persona 7's at Axpona this year, and it was one of the best sounding systems I heard the entire day. Everyone was saying the sound quality was a product of the room correction, but they made a hotel room sound like a concert hall.