Help with Plinius

I don't know if anyone can help but I was changing fuses on a Plinius 8200Mk11 and the prongs fell off the fuse holder so I can't screw the fuse holder in anymore. Tried contacting Plinius but no response so far. I tried going to local electrical supply stores but they have no idea where I could get something that might work. My amp (and music listening) is a bust until I get this issue resolved....any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by jafant

Plinius is on my short-list to audition. feel free to mention your local dealer/retailer, so I will have a place to start. Keep me posted & happy listening!

I would like to visit a dealer/retailer that offers several Plinius models for demo. I have never auditioned this brand, so I am not certain of the offerings.

Happy Listening!