Help with speaker cables and interconnects

My system comprises a TAG Mclaren CDT20R Transport linked to TAG's DPA32R Pre/Dac. This feeds a pair of Audiolab 8000MX monoblocks, which are wire to Monitor Audio 20SE's. Current wiring is LAT interconnects and Audioquest Indigo + speaker cable. The sound is very clean, but somewhat cold and lacking in weight. The Audiolab/Monitor Audio had plenty of power when used witha marantz cd63KI signature Cd player, but this appears to be lacking with the TAG gear. I have tried using Nordost Valhalla digital between CD & DAC and Valkyrja between pre and power amps. This gives amazing detail, but again lacks the warmth. Any advice would be very welcome. Muz.
Take a look at "Poiema" by Ridge Street Audio.You get the detail you want without losing the body you need.....Check the reviews and you'll know why they are so popular....
I'm also interested in your question. The Valhalla has amazing detail and energy but can be a bit dry sounding. I'm wondering if previous Valhalla owners have found something that conveys the detail without the mid-range leanness. I'm a bit skeptical that one could have it both ways.

Thank you for your responses. Since starting this thread, the following cables have been suggested to me: Marigo Apparition digital cable, Synergistic Research,Purist Audio Designs, Audience Au24 and Ridge Street Audio Poiema cables. Unfortunately, there arn't many UK companies which stock these, let alone loan them to you, so unfortunately, I feel like a fish in a big sea! I know many people say that you shouldn't use cables as tone controls, but how do you know that it's the cable that's either adding or detracting from the sound? Anyway, back to the matter in hand, how well would any of the above suggestions go towards bringing more warmth to a somewhat neutral system? Would I be better off avoiding silver based cables - I understand that Synergistic Research make some very good copper speaker wires - any suggestions please?