Help with this RB300

Hi folks,

I just got a Rega RB300 for my Kenwood KD500, and I have NO clue how to take the old arm off and put this one on. I'm really in the dark here. Can anyone point me to a step by step guide? I also don't have any of the tools, protractors, etc that are needed to set up a cartridge on the arm. What do I do?

no offense, but you totally didn't do your homework here, and it sort of sounds like you shouldn't attempt this by yourself. just taking someone's word for it isn't enough. you need to obtain instructions, a template, and the necessary tools. find out the spindle to pivot distance for the rega and measure on the table to see if the armboard will need re-drilling. just ask your friend if he/she would mind your alterations. it's an older table and better sound will result if this is done correctly. hey, i wouldn't mind. or you could have a new armboard made and drilled for the rega to attain proper alignment. find someone experienced with this type of thing to lend a hand. the old "see one, do one, teach one" approach is a good one. best of luck.
May I second Musicdoc's advice? Get help in person if you possibly can.

I could scan and send you the instructions from my Rega, but you can get them online at
I think it would be a waste of time scanning and sending you the template, since a scan would almost certainly be inaccurate. As for the instructions, if this is new to you, you will find them pretty sparse, since they are written for experienced dealers.

If you want to size things up right now, the Rega mounting hole is 23 mm diameter. Spindle to pivot centre is exactly 222 mm. You will need 250 mm clearance from the arm hole centre to the inside of the turntable cover. The arm requires a minimum clearance of 70 mm from the top of the record to the bottom of the arm assembly.

My instructions don't mention the height of a Rega spacer. If your TT is about the height of a Rega Planar 3 or a Linn Sondek, you may not need spacers.

Best of luck!
Thanks for the advice guys. Musicdoc, the scolding is unecessary. I'm in rural Ohio, and audiogon is my best source of information. The old tonearm is barely functioning, and I needed to try something- this made the most sense.

Tobias, thanks for that link, it should prove really useful. Maybe I'll call a Rega dealer somewhere and see if he'll ship me the necessary materials...
Applause is a store in Toronto. The owner's name is Rob Doughty. He's one of audio's super guys, he deals Rega and he'd probably ship to you and perhaps advise you. There's a Web site which I don't have time to look up, I have to go to work :o( . There are probably a few great Rega dealers in Ohio too but I don't know who they are :o((
no offense intended lousyreeds1, but you really seemed to be spinning your wheels and needed a bit of a wakeup. i really just want to see you succeed at this project. we all have needed help to "learn the analog ropes" as it were (and god knows i have only scratched the surface myself) hope you find all the resources you need (online and otherwise) please keep us posted.