That was quite the thread! Thank you for that info! The Cabernet was much different than the other one mentioned! It had the best Phillips Laser at the time and worked great until the laser stopped working! It sold for less than $4k at the time I got it used on Audio-Gon! Just wondered if it was worth fixing! I had a Levinson 31.5 and loved it but needed to sell it! Anyway, if it just needed a new laser what might it cost? Sure is nice to look at! I used it with the glass Att connection back in the 80's! I now have the Ayon Signature 10 and love it! Very well built and designed! 😋
Help with Transport
Hey all, I have a great looking Barclay Cabernet Corion Transport! It used a Phillips Laser that lasted for many years! I need to find out if someone can replace it with a new laser! I love the casing or would just get something else! I live in Colorado! Any help on this is highly appreciated! Larry
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i found this link that might have some useful info!! i found it by typing in the barclay cabernet corion transport into google !! here you go!! |