Here is an interesting artist that's new to me, and I wanted to share his music.

Jon Batiste is a musician Rok just introduced me to. From the first notes he played, I knew he was from Louisiana, with out knowing anything else about him.

Here's his bio

This is the tune Rok submitted;

It was one I will eagerly add to my collection. I thought I would share this with other music lovers seeking new artists.
***** But I have no use for driving through it again, and I'm not sure I get your affinity for it.*****

They feed us, and I hate cities.   Actually it was meant tongue-in- cheek.

***** Here in Baltimore, we lost 100,000 manufacturing jobs between 1950 and 1960, and you don't need 3 guesses to figure out which race got laid off first.*****

Give it a rest.  In Texas we say, 'that dog won't hunt'.   There are folks in inner city America who have never known, or known of, a family member that has ever had a job.   Generations.

But your congressman went ballistic over the conditions at the southern border.  I just assumed he had already solved all problems in Baltimore.    So did the prez.


Before this country was even founded, there were "peasants"; people with nothing but their labor to trade for wages. Long after this country was founded, someone came up with the idea of "unions"; those unions enabled "common people" formerly known as "peasants" to earn much higher wages, to include medical and dental benefits. They achieved the highest standard of living ever in history for "peasants".

Along came "Trickle down economics" and union busting, plus "Right to work states"; no longer did plants have to pay those high "union wages"; they could just relocate in the South; you remember, that place where people worked for no wages at all once upon a time.

Yesterday "common people" AKA peasants had a standard of living high enough to live "The American Dream"; today, corporations earn the highest profits in history. I wonder how things got switched around?

Whatever happens, blame it on a poverty stricken, powerless, minority that's hardly surviving; that's the southern way.