Here in Baltimore, we lost 100,000 manufacturing jobs between 1950 and 1960, and you don't need 3 guesses to figure out which race got laid off first.*****
Give it a rest. In Texas we say, 'that dog won't hunt'. There are folks in inner city America who have never known, or known of, a family member that has ever had a job. Generations.
But your congressman went ballistic over the conditions at the southern border. I just assumed he had already solved all problems in Baltimore. So did the prez.
Give it a rest. In Texas we say, 'that dog won't hunt'. There are folks in inner city America who have never known, or known of, a family member that has ever had a job. Generations.
But your congressman went ballistic over the conditions at the southern border. I just assumed he had already solved all problems in Baltimore. So did the prez.