Heresy IV vs Zu DW6/Soul mk2

Hey guys, looking for opinions on Zu and Klipsch Heritage speakers.  I really like the looks of both brands, and am seeking a speaker that will work well with live concerts (Phish/Dead) for my living room system. Any pros and cons to be aware of?  Any others worth cross shopping? Also leaning towards the smaller models because I can’t have too much bass extension due to neighbors. 


Ever consider Omega. They are single drivers and are super efficient. I have a Pair of their Super Alnico 6” XRS and it rocks with my Primaluna Dialoge Premium running on EL34 Tubes. They are not shouty at all and super fast and detailed. Also great at low volumes, you still get all the detail and textures. Bass is quite good also.  

I ordered a pair of Omega Super Alnico Monitors for a second system.   I owned Heresy III and now own Forte IV.     I really liked the H3 and went to listen to the H4 when they came out.  I ended up buying  the Forte , it is the same footprint as the H4.  

I really like the Forte IV ,  I'm running them with a 300b and its a great combo.  I should have the Omega in a few weeks.  Will be interesting to hear them in my main system first ...

I just wanted to get something completely different for room 2 so I took a chance on Omega.    Hopefully they will be a good fit with the Cyrus amp I ordered.   Hoping for a compact system that sounds great and doesn't break the bank.  

I heard the Zu’s and was kinda disappointed.  I loved the way they looked but they sounded much different then I was expecting.  Very raw and lacking in refinement. Almost like older car speakers from the 80’s/90’s. I’m going to see if I can test the Heresy’s this weekend but my expectations aren’t too high now. I’m not sure if I’m a high sensitivity speaker fan.  It’s probably just a negative first impression, and I’m not sure I gave the Zu’s enough time but I tried several types of music and nothing hit home. Oh well it was still fun trying new stuff. Hopefully I’ll come across another pair at some point but as for now they are out. 

OP, I was looking at both Zu Audio (DWs) and the Heresy a couple years back but ultimately went with Omega for low level listening, and from what some had said at the time, more refinement. I still want to experience both Zu and the Heresy, but what I can say, is that Omega delivered in what I was hoping for when I initially started looking. Regardless, I think all three companies are a good bet, but your post resonated with me - usually listen at 4:00 in the morning and don’t want to wake the spouse, but want to hear everything at the same time - which Omega did in spades. Send Louis an email or have a quick chat. Honest but busy guy (for good reason). If there’s a particular woofer or cabinet combination, ask for a quote by email with screenshots from his website or Instagram page. 

But if you do go with the Heresys I’d be really curious to know your impressions. Don’t leave us dry over here!
Omega’s Instagram


I was able to audition the Heresy IVs and was pleasantly surprised. I had it in my head at the time for some reason that high sensitivity speakers would sound similar to each other and that is definitely not the case. The Heresys are nothing like the Zu’s aside from both being efficient. The Heresys are much more detailed and refined and closer to what I was looking for. I think if you described the Zu’s as presenting an A shaped response curve, focusing on the midrange while rolling off the highs and lows, the Klipsch would be more like a hockey stick, with a flatter response across the mids and highs and rolled off bass. I guess the difference comes down to how they gain efficiency, with the Zu’s not needing crossovers and the Klipschs using horn loading. I think I greatly prefer the horn approach, but I can appreciate how some people prefer the simplicity of a single driver design (I know the Zu has a tweeter but the driver is full range). It’s a bit like SET vs Push Pull tubes. There Heresy’s are not a perfect speaker by any means, but I feel that’s covered by the Dynaudio Heritage. The Heresys should be a perfect compliment for when I’m looking for something different. Hopefully the attributes of one will help me appreciate the attributes of the other and vice versa.