Hertz Meter Reading Device

Hi all!

Does anyone know where I can go to buy a meter reading of how low or high your speakers can go? For example: I would like to know how low my subwoofer can go down to (Hz).

Do you know the brand that people are using to test out sound levels? And I am not talking about the Sound Meter which show you the db levels.

My subwoofer claim that it can go down to 11Hz but I want to test it out myself in my own home to see how low it can go in Hz and NOT in db.


Showing 1 response by magfan

Saint Sans organ piece goes to 16hz. A recording of it comes as part of the 'demo' disk with my sub.
I played it 1x and it is scary. Whole house rumbled, plates rattled and you could see the window reflections vibrate.
So yes, there IS music that goes that low, but so low that unless you just gotta have it, there is almost not point.
And I played it 'safe' not turning it up near to 'normal' listening levels.